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Learn in a Masters Class or do the Whole Program

2020 Workshop Participant

of the 2018 Class

2019 Graduate

Actualize Your Soul’s Brilliance!

Are you ready to be fully supported with actualizing your Soul’s Brilliance, and be seen and valued for your gifts?
If Yes!, then you have to come to the right sacred place.
For 11 years the I AM University of Spiritual Psychology has been educating Spiritual Psychology, Holistic Health Science, Quantium Energy Healing, Intuitive Counseling, and Life Empowerment Coaching to help students get free of their human issues, and become professional holistic practitioners within one year!

Dear One,

You are not just a human with issues.

You are a Divine Soul

with unlimited abilities.


We are here to midwife the birthing

of your Grand Life.

You can join us for our first classes with no obligation to continue online or at our campus at Mount Shasta, California. 
Since time immemorial,
Mount Shasta is renowned for spiritual awakening.
This sacred place is where people drop their old self-limiting stories and find their Soul’s true calling.

Are you feeling called to take a pilgrimage here? 
Mount Shasta is considered the birthplace of the I AM.
It is where the Ascended Master Saint Germain was known to appear and disclose the secret I AM Teachings to humanity in the 1930’s.
In a nutshell, the I AM Teachings (which were mostly removed by the church from the New Testament Bible) remind us, at the core, we are not sinners, but powerful Creator Beings made in the image and likeness of our Creator.
The more we focus on our I AM Presence, also called the Ascendant, the more we allow the brilliance of our Soul to come out and shine. 

We learn to continuously Ascend. 
On top of educating you 50 skills in Spiritual Psychology Counseling, Holistic Health, Quantum Healing, Integrative Yoga, Ascension Meditation, and Life Empowerment Coaching, we support you with listening and acting on your own intuition.
We believe your intuition is how your Soul primarily expresses itself.

Over the course of the year, a huge amount of material is experientially learned, but drip-fed at a pace most anyone can assimilate. 
If at any time, “life” gets in the way of a student’s studies, they can apply for a leave of absence, and return the following year(s) to complete the program at no additional cost. 

All our masters classes can be repeated multiple times with no additional charge! We are here as long as needed until you have won your life mastery.

The IAMU Masters Program is over 400 class hours in one year. It is not for the faint of heart! It is about coming into your strong spine, with a fierce presence, and the free life that allows for being a Healer, Coach, and Teacher from wherever you stand in your community.
Our program is for beginners, intermediate, advanced holistic practitioners who are ready to learn how divine Love can resolve issues miraculously fast, and how to have breakthroughs in those areas of their lives they have felt most challenged.
Because of our small classes, you get an incredible amount of personal support from the faculty and staff.

Hear From Our Graduates

I AM U is for You if…

  • You want to learn from the your Inner Source, the ancient and latest spiritual teachings without dilution or dogma.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are ready to go all-in to learn Spiritual Psychology Counseling. Holistic Health Science, Quantum Energy Healing, and Life Empowerment Coaching in less than a year!
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are committed to upgrading your life from stress to living an empowered life with grace and ease.S
    Spritual Psychology
  • You want to learn simple spiritual practices that dissolve stress and strife.S
    Spiritual Psychologyiritual Psychology
  • You are looking to radically shift your life for the better!
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are ready to embrace teachings presented in a contemporary, integrated manner.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You want to access teachings that are intellectually deep, profound and also spiritually enlivening.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You want to access teachings which will open your heart and simultaneously expand your mind.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are sincerely interested in going deep, facing and integrating unknown parts of yourself,  and transforming your life.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are ready to transcend anxiety, addiction, and depression.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You want to be a part of a live, vibrant global community of like-minded people who support each other’s positive transformation.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are ready to get out of the waiting room and start gaining traction with your personal growth and expand your circle of influence.
    Spiritual Psychology
  • You are ready to go beyond with a transformative program that will allow you to be so much more than a Holistic Practitioner. As you integrate the Love iIntelligence from your I AM, your mere presence will turn heads, and attract unlimited opportunities for service and abundance.

Welcome to the I AM U
Masters Program


The I AM University of Spiritual Psychology educates embodied ascension, how to continuously raise the vibration of your entire life, so your authentic joy is an empowering influence to all your relations.  

Specifically, we educate online 50 skills in Spiritual Psychology, Holistic Health, Quantum Energy Healing, and Life Empowerment Coaching in one life changing year!

Our promise is you will be drawing an income as a Holistic Practitioner BEFORE you graduate.* 

*Provided you attend all classes and complete assignments and tests with a passing grade. 

    Two Additional Certification Opportunities. 

    1. Certified Conscious Breathing Coach
      helping people re-pattern their breathing from fear to empowerment and raise their vibration into joyfully inspired  5D consciousness.
    2. Certified Quantum Energy Practitioner via the Freedom-Code

    What to Expect of the I AM U Masters Program – video

    Who is it for?

    We enjoy educating adults of all ages and backgrounds including all races, colors, nationalities, religions, and sexual orientations.

    Our Accelerated Education is specifically designed for people who are having a spiritual awakening.

    A sign you are having a spiritual awakening is you are drawn to naturally relax into yourself providing a sense of inner freedom you once sought in the external world.

    You are thinking differently.  You can no longer limit yourself to conforming beliefs that feel entrapping.

    Instead of accepting beliefs handed to you by society, you are tuning into your own intuitive knowing and higher spiritual values.

    You no longer find yourself belonging in the circle of people you used to hang out with before. Maybe they considered you too sensitive.

    Your heightened awareness and sensitivity may make your human issues even less tolerable.

    Feeling the heat of our human compost is our most fertile time for growth.

    Over the years, we have discovered those who had the most to heal, and worked their process with our guidance, often have the most epic life transformations, and as a result, became the most successful holistic practitioners because they had a strong passion to get free and help others get free.

    Some of you who are attracted to our program are young, and realize your values have outgrown conventional schooling,  and need to switch to an alternative form of education that supports you with thinking for yourself and prepares you for entrepreneurship as a holistic practitioner.

    Some of you feel burned-out in your present career and perhaps stale in a relationship (or lack of relationships) and realize you must find your Soul’s purpose that is not energetically taxing. You realize you need a better way of intimacy with yourself and others. 

    Many of our students felt they had compromised their principles at corporate jobs, and decided they needed to find a more directly effective and fulfilling way to help people.

    Some of you have been on the spiritual path for a while, but have NOT found much success in your career and/or relationships.

    Remaining high on Spirit without doing the inner work of addressing and resolving our human issues is an ego trap called the Spiritual Bypass.

    That was me, Joa.

    Years ago, I was a spiritual “know-it-all” who avoided intimacy, my own feelings, and facing my human shadows.

    I used my spirituality (or my mental concept of spirituality)  as an excuse to not work on myself.

    As a result, my relationships were not lasting and I lacked real success in my career and finances.  This all changed when I did a life changing masters program in spiritual psychology.  This program had me working my process to heal my childhood memories and family relationships. It catalyzed a quantum jump in every area of my life, and inspired me to create THIS masters program.

    How about you?  Have you been facing and overcoming your human challenges?

    Have you had drama in your life lately?
    Outer experience is a reflection of inner reality. If trauma memories are not cleared out of our body and subconscious mind, we tend to repeat them.

    Are you enjoying long term loving relationships with family, friends, and a beloved soulmate?
    When you have a truly deep intimacy with yourself and Spirit, you can have peace and harmony with all your relations without feeling the need to change them.  We teach you how.

    Are you truly rising in your service to humanity and enjoying prosperity?
    When there is unfinished business from your past, its hard to move forward.

    Or, do you have a compulsive way of soothing your feelings that keeps you semi checked out.
    In our self-healing program, you will be guided how to shift any compulsive habits in to greater loving connection with yourself and your relationships. 

    To begin healing your human issues now, you are welcome to receive a complimentary ticket to our online and onsite Quantum Healing Circle Wednesdays at 10am pacific.

    What will I Gain?

    The one year Masters Program is a total of 440 class hours which can be done at the Mt. Shasta campus or entirely online live interaction with faculty and other students.

    You will have learned 44 skills in Holistic Healing, Holistic Health Science, Quantum Energy Healing, Spiritual Psychology Counseling, and will be applying them for your own and others healing and empowerment. you will…

    • enjoy heightened natural energy and clarity of mind via living an alkaline lifestyle.
    • be free of you past and over-reactivity in your relationships
    • develop excellent proficiency at resolving issues (anything that disturbs your inner peace) – in minutes.
    • develop excellent proficiency at facilitating others with swiftly resolving their issues.
    • develop Excellent proficiency at healing emotional and physical pain, yours and others.
    • discover harmony with all your relations, including what was your most challenging ones!
    • able to help those who are suffering from addiction and depression.
    • enjoy longer periods of sustained joy!
    • develop excellent proficiency at manifesting your desired outcome, including money!
    • develop excellent proficiency at coaching others with manifesting their success and fulfillment.
    • enjoy increased intimacy with others, automatically attracting more close friends and clients.
    • have learned communication skills that upgrade your relationships and desired outcomes.
    • know exactly how to master of sexual energy, for greater integrity and vitality.
    • feel the reality of yourself as a blessing to the earth.
    • discover and begin actualizing your Soul’s unique mission.
    • have learned how to love yourself free of all your human issues.
    • be free of you past and over-reactivity in your relationships.
    • Have healed your most challenging family relationships.
    • have cleared your heartwall, those emotions that block healthy intimacy. 
    • know 50 Spiritual Psychology, Holistic healing, and Life Coaching skills to be able to help yourself and anyone with virtually any kind of issue.
    • be a certified Conscious Breathing Coach who can confidently guide people with re-patterning their breathing from fear into calm empowerment.
    • Be a confident certified energy healer who has already assisted over 30 people with getting instant relief from emotional and physical pain, and will have received testimonials from them.
    • have improved your intuitive abilities to guide yourself and others to greater harmony and purpose using your favorite occult methods.
    • have already skillfully coached people from stagnation into to living their dreams.
    • have received your beautiful Masters diploma in Spiritual Psychology, Holistic healing, and Life Coaching at our public cap and gown ceremony!

    Are you ready to live your own authentic happiness and step into your higher potential of helping people?

    We invite you to read our

    Student Testimonials.

    Our graduates have turned their lives around 180 agrees from feeling inhibited by conformity to being self confident and on-fire with their unique purpose.

    Begin your registration process now by scheduling a free Discovery Session

    What skills will I Learn?

    Probably the most valuable thing you will tap more into and expand is your AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS.  One definition of enlightenment is feeling joy all the time, a deep joy that INCLUDES all the ups and downs of human life.

    We understand it is possible to be joyful all the time because Joy is what the Soul is made of.

    The Nobel prize Laureate Albert Schweitzer said,

    “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to Success.”

    Thus,  we hold our most valuable course at IAMU is called…


    The course challenges students to become more consistent nurturers of themselves and others in a variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ways on a regular basis.

    It is a real life changer because few people nurture themselves very well. Then they have a tendency to blame outer circumstances for their unhappiness.

    Can you imagine what our world would look like if people nurtured themselves and others consistently on all levels?

    What would YOUR life look like if you nurtured YOURSELF and your love ones better?

    A 2017 Graduate, Carleen Goetze said:

    “At IAMU I learned how to set my self free from whatever blocks my happiness,
    and now I laugh a lot, and I’m more creative than ever before.”

    The Ishaya’s Ascension

    We are so thrilled to share this latest addition to the Happiness Project.  Requiring only 20 minutes twice a day, the ancient practice of  Ascending melts away stress and deeply connects one to their Soul’s peace, love, wisdom, and joy. Imagine living a stress free inspired life! The Ishaya Ascension works for all people who work it, including children and prisoners. Click here to learn more.


    Another way we support you with tapping more deeply into your authentic joy is by what we call The I AM BREATH. It’s a way of breathing that helps you let go of your judging mind and have a self exalted experience,  a feeling of fullness of love and joy that transcends all understanding. It also improves your athletic performance and gives you endless relaxed energy that increases mental aptitude and calms your nerves at work.

    You can then go-on to become a Certified CONSCIOUS BREATHING COACH that leads groups and individuals to change their breathing pattern from fear into empowerment and the deep joy of fully living.  


    Spiritual Psychology involves drawing down our higher potential into every part of our human lives, physical, emotional, and mental – to expose and transmute all our human shadows into the light of our loving.

    We ask now, will you take a moment to become deeply honest with yourself?

    Have you noticed a repeat of negative experiences in your life? Maybe it is with people of the opposite sex, or people with authority that have upset you.   We get triggered a lot when we don’t heal our memories. We subconsciously attract similar people and experiences in our lives as what we experienced in childhood.   We can end painful relationships, and leave unhealthy situations by moving to another town, but we tend to re-attract the same kind of people and circumstances because we carry our issues wherever we go until we are finally ready to do the inner work of getting emotionally free of our past.

    The longer we wait, the deeper and more dramatic our issues become and more past wreckage we leave behind. What kind of legacy do you choose to leave behind from this precious life you have been given? We have found one can have the best intentions, but if they have emotional pain that is not addressed and resolved, they tend to leave a trail of tears instead of triumphs.

    Are you ready to do the inner work of transforming your human shadows into the light of your awesome Soul?   

    If you have emotional challenges, we especially welcome you to apply at IAMU.

    You see, virtually everyone has issues, but many are not ready to be honest and transparent, which only delays their growth.

    We are interested in people who are aware of their issues and ready to do the inner work to make a real life change.

    At IAMU, you learn how to transform your human issues into amazing growth opportunities, and ultimately into gratitude for the wisdom you attained.

    By shifting your personal weaknesses into strengths, you eventually become an empowering role model for others who are struggling in a similar way you did.

    Click here to schedule your free DISCOVERY SESSION for spiritual guidance for your future.

    You will likely be amazed how quickly most of your issues can be cleared.

    You will learn


    Our Quantum Healing methods instantly clear energy disturbances that sabotage your health, harmony, relationships, career and prosperity – out of your body and subconscious mind.

    Even physical pain usually evaporates in minutes and never returns with this amazing energy work Joa developed. It’s called the Freedom-Code. Of the 50 skills we teach, Quantum Healing  is, by far,  our most popular because it instantly removes physical and emotional pain, and its easy to learn!



    We will guide you with how to attract clients, and we promise you will have already received testimonials and money from your happy clients months before graduation!

    This has happened for all of our graduates for the past 10 years.

    By the end of the Masters Program you will have cleared out hundreds of trapped emotions out of yourself and other’s, will likely feel a life renewal in the deepest sense, and will have helped many grateful people.

    Nhou Lee, one of our Graduates says:

    “Before IAMU, I didn’t feel the power and creativity within me to launch my holistic practice. IAMU has helped me shift this already! My business is already going very well and I have many creative ideas. I barely have to do anything, and it just works!”

    Most colleges teach information students must regurgitate, but we believe this does not offer much preparation for real world experience.

    At IAMU about 20% of class time is lecture while 80% is practical learning, your active engagement with 50 skills Spiritual Psychology, Holistic Healing, Yoga, and Life Empowerment Coaching, all applied to your own life transformation before helping others, so you go out into the world as a empowered being, free of your past and ready to serve.

    And during those moments you don’t feel present and joyful, you will know exactly how to regain your empowered center in minutes.


    Today, so many people are struggling to some degree with anxiety, addiction, and depression.

    There have not been enough affordable drug-free options that truly empower people.   

    Therefore, we spent years developing our natural methods of Soul Recovery for the 21st Century to make recovering one’s authentic happiness more effective and even enjoyable.   

    Interested to see if I AM U and you are a good match? Click here to schedule your FREE DISCOVERY session.


    Want to improve your intuition and ability to read energy?

    We also educate Numerology, Astrology, Human Design, Tarot Card Reading, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Channeling, and direct knowing -so you can instantly detect what is needed and understand the divine plan in yourself and others.   


    The coaching industry has exploded to the second largest industry in the world because its about the joy of people helping people instead of relying on corporations.

    Every individual has something unique to offer, and the most successful people have been coached into their greatness.

    Instead of giving people the answers, coaching is about asking the right questions that empower them to come up with their own solutions.

    At IAMU, students learn the most advanced Life Coaching skills that empower people to break through their resistance to living their dreams.




    Midway through the program students are already making money as a holistic practitioners.

    Imagine you are already receiving money as a holistic practitioner from your new clients, and it happened in less than 8 months!

    This has happened for ALL of our graduates for the last 10 years.

    We believe its because our practical, step-by-step learning methods are so efficient, and our healing work is so miraculous.

    We encourage you to experience our Energy Work on our next Wednesday Quantum Healing Circle online via Zoom. Just click here for your free ticket.

    We will help you unblock whatever way you have felt stuck, so you can move forward with your higher calling.

    Today, People want MORE than information. In pain, they crave real transformation.

    At IAMU, you will learn to guide people through their transformation as you change your own life for the better.

    After your graduation you will be competent with helping people, and you will already have testimonials from your clients proving your validity as a Holistic Practitioner that changes lives.

    With our current broken medical system, people everywhere need your alternative help.

    When you transcend your problems with spiritual practice and devote your life to joyful service, you are truly free.

    What kind of occupation can I expect to have after my graduation?

    We can say all kinds of doors open for our graduates! There are so many possibilities because when one’s heart is open, they are a magnet to endless possibilities. You will have learned how to communicate in a way that inspires people to want to listen and work with you.

    Some graduates go back to the work they did before, but as a new person.They could enjoy their work better because they became a more nurturing presence to themselves and others. Most of these people practiced their healing and coaching work on the side, and eventually transitioned into doing their Holistic Practice full time.

    We have had many of our students take jobs at counseling companies in our county and other parts. More and more institutions like hospitals are hiring coaches from schools like ours as independent contractors that are off their insurance and expensive payroll.  Because holistic practices are now becoming mainstream, we see empoyment opportunities opening up virtually everywhere for our students. Most of our graduates eventually become entrepreneurs as holistic practitioners working with their favorite niche of people.


    What does the tuition cost?

    $$$$Three Tuition price depends on one’s level of annual income. 

    $12,500 – if income is over $70,000 per year, or if have $10,000 or more in savings. 

    $7,000 – if income is under $70,000 per year and have less than $10,000 in savings. 

    The  tuition plus all fees must be paid in full before graduation by the end of June of the year you complete your work. 


    Additional Fees

    Books $200 (approximate)
    Mountain Tour  3 days @ $300. Does not include food and lodging)
    Graduation Ceremony (Diploma, Cap, Gown) $50
    TOTAL FEES                                               $800 -paid separately


    Healing Money Challenges

    If money has been a struggle for you, ask for our assistance with shifting your consciousness from scarcity to prosperity. Take our Money Flow Magic course and get a counseling session for this. Counseling sessions are $50 off our normal price for Masters Students. 

    Remember,  outer experience is a mirror of inner reality. 

    When you shift your inner reality around money, your outer experience can change.


    Step-up to your Higher Potential  at UMS
    Graduate Nicole Young speaks a year after her graduation:

    “I must say that attending the University of Mount Shasta was my best life decision.  It changed my entire existence.  Really.  It did. Where do I even start with all the ways this program has accelerated my growth and spiritual understanding?  Perhaps the greatest shifts have occurred through the crumbling and dismantling of my old belief systems and toxic mental atmosphere.  I never dreamed that inner peace was an actual possibility, but it is, and through the education provided by IAMU, I am at peace with my past, present, future, and my individual path from one to the other.  In those moments where I don’t feel peace, I have the tools to bring me back again and again and again.  Thank you IAMU!”                

    – Nicole Young,  2017 Graduate

    When, where, and how do the classes operate?
    Classes are attended online.
    For our education, online classes are no less experiential and growthful, as they are live interaction with our residential students and faculty. 
    Physical attendance is required for our for Final Practical Exams, Mountain Tour, and cap and gown Graduation Ceremony in August.
    I AM U Alernative Educatio
    From September to May, classes meet Wednesday & Thursday Evenings…
    Step-up to your Higher Potential  at UMS
    Can a person drop into Classes without doing the whole Masters Program?
    Yes, most of the Masters Classes can be attended without having to apply as a masters student.  Attending any one class can be very helpful for a specific area of one’s life, but for a whole life transformation and the ability to be a successful holistic practitioner, attending the whole pragram in the sequence offered is essential.

    Meet Our Teaching Faculty

    From Our Students

    Click here for more Student Feedback