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144 Ascension Decrees

Are you ready to upgrade your energy?

Every day we are given a new challenge, a new kind of opportunity to learn, grow, and expand beyond who we thought we were. 

To help you meet and rise to the kind of opportunity you are faced with this day, you can now receive a spiritual activation from your higher self via the Chakra Oracle. When you click on the Chakra Oracle, it reads your energy, and reveals the kind of challenge you are being faced with on this particular day, and offers you a clue of how to use whatever is happening to your benefit.

What is an Oracle?

It is a spiritual tool that reflects your energy to help you make empowering choices.

Ask and it is Given…

If you sincerely ask to receive the Highest Truth, then, when you click on the Oracle, you will receive a download from your higher self out of 144 very different choices.

The affirmation offered does not become your life medicine until you fully adopt it as your truth.  If it is a truth you would love to believe and actualize, you may need to repeat it often with sincerity.

According to the Law of Dominant Thought

“You get what you think about the most, whether you want it or not. Commit to thinking about what you want”Wayne Dyer

… and better yet, in a sacred space, say it out loud,  like you mean it!

Decree A Thing And It Shall Be Established   Job, Bible

To decree is to make law with your word.

So when you receive this opportunity to upgrade your life in a certain way, say it out loud, write it down, and say it often until it becomes a complete reality in your life.

Now set your intention to receive your highest truth medicine now… Take a deep breath. Trust your Higher Power is working for you now, and click on the Oracle!

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