2023 – Year of Deepest Spiritual Disclosure 

Welcome to a brief energy forecast of 2023. I see an expansion of consciousness starting about now! Expanded light of awareness exposes all shadows.  The shadow is getting majorly exposed within each of us and collectively.

Those of us Star-seed who are already aware of our shadow will be able to expand our service with minimal hindrance because there is nothing more to hide. When we are in humility and acceptance of all our human aspects, we are truly free. There is little to no karma left, and whatever karmic shadow material we do get to face clears quite readily because we practice forgiveness of ourselves and others. 

A great many people are going to begin to awaken for the first time to “how bad” it appears on the three-dimensional level.  There will be much more blaming, more finger pointing, more court cases, and whether people are fighting for or against justice, an exhaustion often follows, and for many, a depression. 

There is a positive purpose for depression, to help us reach deeper to a more unconditional love than how we had been operating before. As a result,  a huge landslide of people are turning to spirituality.  

With all the negative stuff being revealed in our news and within ourselves personally, we have only two choices:

To judge or forgive.

We condemn someone or something as “wrong” or “bad”  as a coping mechanism to not have to feel it, and postpone our healing. I believe blaming others and ourselves is the most popular addiction on our planet. According to spiritual psychology, whatever or whoever we judge as wrong or bad is something in ourselves we have yet to forgive ourselves for.

On the other hand, as we choose to forgive others and ourselves for our fear based reactions, our pain memories in our bodies are expelled. 

Eckhart Tolle was once asked, “Is Suffering necessary?”  He replied: 

“Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. You would not be reading this now. Suffering cracks open the shell of the ego, and then comes the point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is not necessary.”

When we live in compassion, we no longer suffer. To see life from Soul centered eyes instead of from the human ego, is to be absolutely compassionate and accepting of every experience and every relationship. My goal is to live in this awareness 24/7. 

What is helping me the most for this purpose this these days is practicing the Ascension Meditation and saying the mantra “I am loving awareness.”

And, if there is any kind of conflicting situation with someone, I choose to have the courage to say “I’m sorry,” and to practice Ho Oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian forgiveness ritual that I believe originally came from Lemuria. 

Let’s catch ourselves from going down the rabbit hole of self-righteousness, spiritual bypass, pride, and sympathy. 

Remember what Rumi said:

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about.”

While seeing through soul centered eyes, no one and nothing is seen as wrong or bad. It’s all for our growth and learning, which is often not understandable from our human awareness.

Spiritual bypass says: I am above that, I’m not the shadow, so there is no more work to do. Pride says, I’m independent, so I have little to nothing to learn from others. This puts a shell around a person. There is little vulnerability and intimacy.  

Sympathy feels sorry for others and agrees with the illusion of their imperfection. When we feel pity for certain people, we will either “write them off” or try to rescue them. 

Seeing through soul-centered eyes is to see beyond people’s human circumstances.  We give everyone the dignity of their own process without trying to fix them or dismiss them. It is to see infinite creator in everyone, and support that coming out into their consciousness. 

To see God in yourself and others is to be a healer. 

May there be big healings this year in your life!

Love and Compassion,

💜 J O A  💜