What is Your Higher Calling?
Your higher calling is a more direct expression of your authentic joy.
We are all evolving in consciousness throughout our lives, and what we do reflects this. Early in my life I was a gardener. Then, I got tired of pulling weeds, and became a creative landscaper. Then, I had a spiritual awakening, and became a Tarot card reader and spiritual guide for people needing direction.
Notice, the more conscious and joyful we become, the less we seem to do, and greater impact we make. When I was pulling weeds, I was working the hardest but making far less impact than I do today as an educator of spiritual psychology. My work does not feel like work. It is more of an expression of my joyful being. It is a spiritual truth, our being makes a far greater difference than our doing. For example, a spiritual master appears to do nothing but smile, meditate and speak if we are lucky, and yet thousands of people are effected.
So, as we awaken spiritually, we find our higher calling is a surrendering of what we thought we had to do, to simply allowing our natural joy to be expressed.
Why aren’t more people doing their higher calling?
Most people are just surviving. They are simply doing what they have been told to do. We were taught “Success is the key to happiness.”
This belief, “I’ll be happy WHEN…,” keeps us on an exhausting treadmill, perpetually hoping someday we will get THERE.
The final goal is being wealthy enough to retire. Look at that word “re-tire,” to become “tired again”. And this is what happens to people who lack awareness of their spiritual purpose; they work too hard, and eventually become sick, and tired.
Upon spiritual awakening, we realize happiness isn’t a PURSUIT.
The Buddha said: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”
I believe our simple purpose of life is to find our happiness, and share it.
Spiritual awakening is the discovery of your natural inner JOY here and now. We realize the deeper Self or Soul IS authentic happiness.
We believe anyone can be happy, joyous and free now…by being connected with their Authentic Self or Soul.
Actually, today more and more people ARE discovering their inner happiness and higher calling.
A 2017 Pew research survey says over 27 percent of Americans declare themselves as spiritual but not religious, and another 59 percent declare themselves religious and spiritual. So spiritual awakening is on the rise big time.
How can one know if one is having a spiritual awakening?
There are many signs and symptoms.
One hallmark sign is the feeling you do not fit into our dysfunctional society.
This leads one to want to break out of conformity, and find their own path, which can be frightening. To become true to yourself is a birthing process that can sometimes feel painful but overall, it’s a celebration! As we give birth to our Authentic Self, we discover our higher calling is to break the status quo in our own way.
Each awakening person does it in their own unique way, and this is how our world is getting changed. At UMS, we help people who are having spiritual awakening break the chains of conformity and stand out to make their unique difference.
So how is it possible a person can do their higher calling in one year?
For the spiritually unawakened it is not possible. To the spiritually unawakened, a higher calling doesn’t exist. Life is simply about material gain. The current education system is designed for the spiritually unawakened. There is very little emphasis on learning from one’s own intuition, and so becoming educated is a long arduous and expensive process.
At the University of Mount Shasta we discovered people who have had a spiritual awakening learn differently. They are getting in touch with their own inner knowing, wisdom, and power to heal and resolve virtually any kind of issue, and our holistic technologies accelerate this process.
We designed our education around each student’s healing and spiritual awakening process, and we were fortunate to discover tools that clear away the human dross very fast. They go through an accelerated self integration that frees them of their past pain memories, decodes their unique mission, and unlocks their courage to launch their holistic practice in 11 months, before they graduate!
I have been through a lot of education including two masters degrees, and none of it helped me find work afterwards. So, it has been my mission to change that. I feel the responsibility of education is to get people working, prospering at what they love doing the most -IMMEDIATELY.
What gives your students the credibility to attract clients?
Traditionally, credibility comes from what corporate establishments dictate. For example, If you pass the medical exams, you become a doctor and you can have a practice. People can trust you. But today, things have changed. There are still good doctors, but many people have found they had to go against their doctor’s advice to find true healing.
Now days, for every challenge in life, we have alternative choices. For example, if you were to have cancer, WHO would you give greater credibility to? An oncologist who tells you you have a 50 percent chance of survival after surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy… or someone on youtube who has already healed themselves of the same kind of cancer via natural self-healing methods? One person had the professional credentials but the other had the actual experience of healing themselves. People of consciousness are learning to give less trust to any outer “authority” and more trust to their inner authority.
People are helping each other more directly, mainly through the coaching profession because coaches help people to trust their own inner power. Coaching has exploded to the number two industry in the world behind Information Technology because people are giving more credibility to their honest experiences than to what they are being told by corporate “experts.”
The greatest credibility is happiness itself. And, happiness is attractive. Everyone’s greatest desire in life (whether they are conscious of this or not) is to be happier. Generally speaking, spiritually awakened people ARE happier. Thus, people are naturally drawn to what spiritually awakened people have to offer because it is less about credentials and more about their vibration. For example, most people aren’t aware of Eckhart Tolle’s credentials except he spent years on London park benches after dropping out of college. It is his joyful spiritually awakened presence that draws seekers to him.
Long story short, what gives UMS graduates credibility is their high vibration earned from getting free of their human issues, the sharing of their “hero’s journey,” the wisdom of how they overcame their own personal challenges, their belief in their authentic selves, and their natural joy. The legal masters degree UMS students receive is merely “icing on the cake,” showing they did this invaluable work.
If you are a spiritually awakened person, there are millions of people who will be attracted to your joyous vibration now! At UMS we educate you how to help a LOT of people at all levels economic standing while you make a 6 figure income without over-working yourself.
Thank you for reading this post and supporting alternative education
Joa Janakoayas