How to be Immune to Any Destructive Force
While the Earth Changes
My Fire-walking Experiences
I have been learning about protection since I walked on fire seven times back in the 1990’s. I was intrigued with walking on red hot flaming coals because I felt the need to embody what I intellectually knew: My life is the result of what I choose to believe. Fire-walking takes great concentration on changing longstanding belief that fire burns, to “I am one with the fire.” On 4 of the 7 fire-walks, I had some small doubts nagging me, which resulted in hotspots on my skin that healed overnight. On the other 3 occasions, I managed to get my energy into ecstatic joy while singing and drumming. I did not force myself to walk; in fact I didn’t even know if I would walk. But at a certain point my body said “Yes.” It was my longest fire-walk, at 30 feet. As I walked, I could feel heat and the texture of the coals on my bare feet, but was not burned to the least.
I witnessed people of many ages walking on the fire unscathed including a 10 year old who seemed to glide across with perfect grace, and my really cool 83 year old housemate at the time, Rose Garfinkel!
Fire-walking taught me: Your Authentic Joy Protects You. When you are compromising your joy, you are less immune to whatever is going around. I am not talking about the joy of indulging in some pleasure. Deep joy occurs from connecting with and expressing your integrity of loving. Nothing can take away your real essence, your joyful oneness with the universe, unless you believe it can.
On the other hand, if you have stuff to heal (including doubting your light), your aura may have holes in it, making you vulnerable to negative forces.
Disclosure: Humanity’s Fire-walk
In this article, I share wisdom from a Spiritual Teacher who, for the purpose of this dispensation, chooses to remain anonymous. The purpose of this article, which has really become an ebook that includes everything you need to know about protection and right action, is to help you process disclosure information, and show you exactly how you can help the light agenda succeed on Earth while remaining absolutely protected.
We live in a very real illusion. I call it an illusionary hologram because what we see in the outer world is the result of our collective creativity. It’s temporary. Because, as humans, we are loving light beings, the natural predominant outpouring of this hologram is positive. We see this every day with people we meet who smile and say and do kind things. No matter where we go in the world, generally speaking we find people are amazingly kind.
However, during this time of disclosure, what the bible called Revelations, the darker side of humanity is being exposed like never before. The negative feedback of a warning engine light on our motor vehicles is a metaphor for how important it is to know this alarming information as it happens, so we can better know how to navigate the “potholes”.
As I share this information, remember darkness has no real power. It’s just absence of light. It’s like walking into a dark room. As soon as you turn on the light, the darkness is gone. At any moment, even a satanic person can wake up to the loving-light of their soul, and this is starting to happen.
Today we are learning that many of the conspiracy theories are indeed facts.
For example, the 20 foot high Georgia Guide Stones, a kind of cheap modern version of Stonehenge built back in 1980 situated 90 miles east of Atlanta on government property for public viewing, are real. Chiseled on the stones are ten commandments, the first being the population of Earth to be 500 million.
The UN agenda 21, and now agenda 30 map is also real. It shows a new map of the USA with over 95% of the land space no longer inhabited by people. All US citizens are to be concentrated in multi-story high rises in certain allowed cities. All the fires in California and other states are on sections of the UN map where no people are to reside. You can easily check out these facts online on a great many websites with photographs and videos.
I’m sharing this dark information with you because like it or not, disclosure is here. The sooner you can integrate this information, the stronger you will be for those who are less awakened and are shocked and crying for help. I believe you are strong enough to use it for your life transformation, and you will now receive tools here that will help keep you out of trouble and help shift the planet more strongly into the light.
Q & A
It seems we live in a crazy and dangerous world, where things are often not what they seem. How can we remain safe, centered and empowered when the world appears so unstable, dark, and dangerous?
First, I will say simply, your prayers for protection and justice DO make a big difference! I will have Joa share a famous but mostly forgotten story to help make this point.
Bullet Proof George
The “Bullet Proof George” story was in American school textbooks until the powers that be decided it was too “woo woo”. In his early days, George Washington was a British officer who fought in the French/Indian War. Before going out to battle, George prayed deeply for spiritual protection. The Indians and French were hiding behind foliage firing muskets at the exposed lines of bright red British soldiers on horses. All the officers were massacred except for George. Then, all muskets were on George. They shot two horses out from under him, and yet he managed to ride away on a third dead man’s horse. Afterwards, he discovered bullet holes in his coat yet his body was untouched. Years later, after George became president of the new United States, the Indian chief of that battle became friends with George. He exclaimed how he and his men, after having shot down all the other officers, fired at George round after round, and finally commanded his men to cease fire because George obviously had special medicine that made him impossible to kill. You can get the details of this amazing story here.
How is it possible to stop bullets?
Two main things need to happen to be absolutely protected:
The Two Principles of Protection
- You must be in your Wholeness (No holes in your aura) We will talk about how to achieve this later.
- Realize your Sovereignty. It is important to understand there is no “one world” you can count-on and be safe in. There’s no one safe and pure nation or world as a whole to fight for. Our Earth is like a giant school room that allows for each person to experience their own version of reality. Everybody is in their different worlds, but most people don’t know this. They allow their own truth and sovereignty to be dictated by what their government, corporate owned media, scientists, religions and doctors are telling them. They are living from the outside-in and thus experience their lives as pawns of a game far bigger than themselves. To realize your sovereignty, you must break the spell of codependence.
We have been programmed to believe these are the end times. Really, it is only the end of “the world” as we have known it.
You are learning to live from the inside out. What you choose is what you get. It’s really that simple.
What is really propelling this massive change is humanity’s spiritual awakening. You are awakening out of a massive fear matrix that has been installed into every human’s DNA for thousands of years.
You are awakening to the reality of love. The authentic self or soul is pure love. The following words can support you with reclaiming your sovereignty and safety:
People get caught in dark energy because they have forgotten who they really are. There are even people who believe in satan or Lucifer, so they get to experience that illusion, for each person gets to experience to some degree what they are giving their attention to. This is the divine plan for humanity. Everyone gets to experience what they are choosing, so they will eventually choose something better. To interrupt another person’s creative process is to invite conflict that can accrue karma to yourself. Controlling others, that is interfering in other’s free will, leads to suffering.
A main reason dark workers have been so successful is because they have been so organized, focused, and rather than control you directly, they have a way of seducing people into making bad decisions for themselves. Google “Luminati” and you will see google ads inviting people to join-up to their satanic organization, and how they will be rewarded financially. Even though they represent less than 1 percent of the population, they have successfully controlled the banks, governments, military, media, business, medical system, education, religion, science, food, essentially every institution of society.
Most people have been asleep and complacent, without a clue they have been under a dark spell. But today more people are awakening and starting to take action. Because of this, dark-workers are having only a 10 to 20 percent success rate at this time. World war 3 would have happened years earlier if they had got their way. Thankfully, humanity has evolved past the possibility of a world war.
Will you tell us who these dark-workers are exactly?
I am going to leave that up to the disclosure experts, such as David Wilcock and Cory Goode. I highly recommend reading and watching their videos to be awakened to who you are dealing with on earth, for this is our starting place to erecting a more just society. This information is heavy, but it’s likely going to motivate you to unite more strongly with good people for good causes, and this grassroots commitment to good is transforming humanity. Regardless of who the biggest “troublemakers” are, I am sharing universal principles here on how to remain immune to their shenanigans, and eventually disempower them altogether.
So, how do we each remain safe and protected?
If you know in your bones you are, you will be. I know this may sound too easy when dark forces are causing suffering for many people, but it can be done and is being done by many people of the light. When I say people of the light, I mean anyone committed to good for themselves and others. This is well over 70% of the world population. To continue feeling in your bones you are safe and protected, these 4 things need to happen:
4 Keys to Remaining Safe and Protected
- Stop distracting yourself by getting fascinated by what’s happening in your outer world. It’s helpful to get an occasional pulse of what is happening AFTER you have got your own energy in a positive creative space. Spending your time and energy looking at negative news can easily put one into a depression these days, and this is exactly what the dark forces want; for you to become incapacitated. Redirect your energy within. Ask yourself, “How can I be the solution, I AM?” To jumpstart your motivation, you can watch videos of others who are offering their solutions.
- Your attention needs to remain on the reality of LOVING in and around you most, if not all the time. You are love. Feel yourself as a blessing to the world. Your loving presence does make a difference.
- If you don’t feel this, you have stuff to clear. You need to detox your mind, emotions and body of the fear matrix illusion. The clearing never ends. Ideally, you should be clearing out of your life stream whatever bothers you physically, emotionally, mentally – daily. Remember you are not your mind; you are the Soul that gets to choose what you think and feel. Anything that is not what you are choosing needs to be flushed out. Choose this, and it is done!
- Let go of judgment, and find acceptance for everything, for acceptance is the first key to real change. Acceptance doesn’t mean you agree with negative phenomena happening, It means you accept there is divine perfection unfolding behind the apparent imperfection, even if you can’t see it at present. It is realizing this grand Earth school is working perfectly for people of all levels of consciousness to learn and grow. Who are we to judge Creator’s divine plan? Acceptance begins with finding acceptance for the dark forces operating in your personal life. By accepting they are there for a reason, you can integrate these unconscious aspects of yourself into a greater wholeness.
When we look at humanity’s collective creations, the fear illusion is very real. It is a very real illusion because we live in a universe that is a visceral mirror to each person’s inner reality. As one perceives a wrong, unfair or bad world, he/she gets more of that reflection experienced in their body. By judging what is happening, we are playing God, like we know better than this present divine plan.
Even though it’s a very real illusion, in that the pain of disease hurts, and losing loved ones hurt, the trauma of death by a house fire is painfully real – at the same time, it is an illusion because we are not our bodies. We are not of is world. This is your starting place; remembering the authentic you is free of the fear matrix now and always. You are a powerful creator. You are waking up from being unconscious creators of what you don’t want to being conscious creators of what you do want.
Many are not yet awake, and so they get to experience the painful dead-end of being caught in a fear matrix. Remember, pain is not bad. Pain does have an important role in the awakening process.
Yes, pain has helped me awaken at times.
You have been waking-up out of a bad dream. The nightmare is in the negative way you are seeing your world based upon your unprocessed past trauma experiences. By seeing how awful it is, you unconsciously attract and expand more of that, because it’s a spiritual law: Perception is projection. This law has been proven in quantum physics. Basically, you get what you expect.
Think of it like this. With 7 billion people on the planet, we can safely say, “everything is happening all the time.” The worse things imaginable are happening now, and the most beautiful things. What matters is the channel YOU are on, because what is happening on the planet collectively is the result of what the total population is giving their attention to and thus expecting more of. The negative forces know this, so they have been filling your minds with fear based movies, media, politics, religion, science, etc. It’s all designed to hook you in to what’s “wrong,” and not trust others.
This is the negative matrix. After learning about disclosure, many people get paranoid and want to hide or go out and fight the bad guys – as if this will free them. Where is the matrix really? It’s in your own subconscious mind. The fear and control has been loaded into virtually every human’s subconscious mind for the past few thousand years. There is no getting free of it until you face how your own mind gets hooked-in. The good news is, once you clear out these self limiting beliefs out of your subconscious mind and trapped emotions out of your body, you become free and immune to dark forces.
First, many of you need to break the fear spell of seeing life negatively, and get committed to a having a positive focus, first for yourself. See the natural good in yourself and those around you.
This is easiest to do in the way you start your days. Every night you go to bed and let all your opinions of the world go, and you come back to your rejuvenating spiritual home. The next morning you wake up refreshed for a few moments at least, and you feel the reality of your beautiful existence: the pure love and joy to simply be alive. Spiritual awakening involves remembering this divine gift of being alive, and this discovering an unconditional happiness, regardless of other negative events in the outer world. You are always in your own world anyway. So you might as well remain in your inner peace, love, power and wisdom. You might as well choose the kind of world you want to live in today and every day because you have very little control over the collective world. Yes, your choice to be a positive example of living a peaceful, loving and powerful life does make a difference, helping thousands if not millions of others to take better responsibility for their personal lives. But, you are not in control of the collective world events, and there is no sense in getting bent out of shape about it all.
Humanity as a whole is waking up and there are many encouraging signs of this. And, the main key to this happening is more people like you are living your own life, not worrying about “the negative news,” while remaining committed to remembering your inner peace, love and wisdom hour by hour, day by day.
As you remain grounded in the world of your choosing, you are shifting out of the 3D control matrix to the 5D love matrix, and your authentic freedom message goes out to affect millions via the morphogenic field. Wherever you go, you become a grounding rod for healing and transformation for those who are still caught in fear.
What can we take home from this article?
It is very important to understand your very nature is safe and protected, and if it is your deliberate choice to be immune to negative phenomena, and if you are keeping yourself clear of negative energies, you can only attract safe and secure experiences to yourself. If you are having a hard time remaining focused on the loving in and around you, you need to get the fear illusion out of your body, emotions and mind. If you feel wounded in some way, it is likely your aura has holes in it. Every time you look outside yourself to see what is wrong with the world you literally weaken your aura, which is your bodies protection. As you practice loving your Source, your aura is strengthened. In addition, there are many clearing and self integration methods for repairing the aura, including the healing work at the University of Mount Shasta. I recommend Joa briefly mention this work so you can know this option.
Thank you. The UMS Accelerated Healing work gets trapped emotions and toxic beliefs out in minutes. We can also guide you with the Inner-Bonding process, as a natural way of restoring your sense of wholeness and self esteem. One can schedule a session of this work from our UMS staff and graduates at or call UMS at 530-918-6062.
Again, once you are cleared of the fear illusion and remain focused on the reality of loving in and around you, you are absolutely safe and protected. This is spiritual law. It really is like that movie, The Matrix. You can never be in danger and hurt unless some part of you agrees to this. When you realize your Eternal Soul can never be hurt, your physical body and world mirrors this divine Truth.
If we are absolutely safe and protected, why have so many spiritual leaders been killed? And why have so many people who have disclosed Truth also been killed (usually disguised as suicide)?
In some cases, the being was a martyr in the truest sense of the word. They gave their life for the cause of awakening more people on the planet. This was a way of service for some spiritual leaders of the Piscean age.
In most cases, when people of the light are persecuted and/or murdered, it is because their own actions came from force, even if they had good intentions. This is a very important point for light-workers to understand, for we need “all hearts on deck” during this time, so to speak.
When you try to force change on another person or a tribe of people, while coming from a place of judgment, you create karma for yourself. Karma never means you are bad. It just means your force is going to create an equal and opposite reactive force so you can learn and grow from the experience.
Fight or flight behavior comes from judgment. It is an imbalanced state that results in karma and drama. When you declare something or someone is wrong or bad, and go out to stop or change them, you drop your frequency back down to 3D, and you become instantly visible to darker energies. Force and fighting is their game. They can only see and hurt you if you enter their playing field.
Yet, these darker forces are now rapidly losing their grip on humanity, because more and more of you are letting go of trying to force change as a retaliatory measure. By remaining in your divine flow (instead of force) , you become transparent to darker energies. They may see you as a person walking down the street, but they’re not threatened.
Are you suggesting us to remain passive?
Absolutely not. I encourage all of you to be active, to be vocal about what inspires you, not about what is wrong or bad you must fight against. Focus on the outcome you desire on earth, and speak up about it without having to put others down. I know this is a challenging spiritual practice for many of you. Every time you catch yourself hating what dark forces are doing, shift it to the outcome you choose, like seeing more people awakening and organizing for good causes. See the dark ones awakening to their oneness. Remember, when enough of you awaken and share your light, all darkness will be naturally dispelled.
Does this mean we cannot directly stop negative forces from doing their dark deeds to humanity?
It is possible to stop them if you call forth divine support, and allow divine flow to work through you instead of human force. I will have Joa share his experience with a bully in high school to help illustrate this point.
When I was 16 years old, I was attacked by Robbie Mulqueen, our class bully. I was in a packed restaurant during our high school lunch break. I was sitting on a long bench seat with my friends when my food was announced to be picked up. As I went to get it, Robbie intentionally took my place. When I got back, I tapped him on the shoulder and asked him for my place back, but he just ignored me. So, being a 16 year old, I did the unenlightened thing of sliding his body out of my place, then sat down to eat. (Note, this was a karmic act of force that provoked conflict.) I then felt his energy going red hot, and my own heart rate accelerating. I could feel he was about to do something to me, but I managed to stay present with myself and not even look up at him. And then somehow I knew, to the fraction of a second, he was doing it, and my arm flew up on its own- caught his kick, and he landed on his back on the floor with the wind knocked out of him. I am no trained marshal artist by any means. It is just one time where I did the perfect thing. (This was an act of being in divine flow) I stayed in my own energy and I was protected (well, after doing the unenlightened thing).
In this story, could you see the difference between force and divine flow? First notice Joa stayed connected within. Then, the blue flame acted through his body, a very powerful tool of spiritual protection and instant justice.
Spiritual Tools of Protection
Sacred fire is part of our spiritual anatomy. It is very powerful tool used by our ascended masters. But you don’t have to be ascended to start working with it. There are seven rays of your source spiritual energy, which can be called down into flames in the fourth dimension. Even though one cannot see them with normal vision, these flames are very real and powerful. Without knowing it at the time, in that restaurant experience, Joa used the blue flame to take over his body. The blue flame is like a lightning bolt of justice. Generally speaking, men are stronger carriers of the blue flame, and women, the rose pink flame of love. But any combination is possible these days, and anyone can call forth any flame of their 7 Rays at any time.
The Violet Flame is the merging of the masculine/blue and feminine/pink into one flame of perfect balance. It is super purifying to the body, emotions, and mind.
I have use the Violet Flame mostly for myself, and have always got amazing results without fail. I know its hard to believe clearing impure energy can be so easy, but I invite you to try it out for yourself. For example, the violet flame can be used to purify your atoms from any toxic substance such as from EMF radiation, chem-trails, or any disease.
The sacred flames can be called into other people’s life streams (to the level their own higher selves will allow) without accruing karma to oneself for this kind of intervention. Here is another story of how Joa called forth the violet flame through another individual to free himself from a dangerous situation.
Back when I drove a taxi, one day I picked up a very dark man. Not only was he wearing all black, his energy was super creepy. He paid me a lot of money to drive him hundreds of miles. After about a 100 miles into the trip, he mashed something hard against my shoulder and told me to follow another car in from of me. Immediately I asked my ascended masters and spirit guides to protect me and that I am paid well! I then called forth the violet flame to purify his physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
The car in front of us sped up and swerved dangerously to try to lose us as he yelled, “Follow it!,” and I reluctantly pursued. I remained close at his tail because I was skilled at fast driving from my wild teenage years, but then he said, “Never mind!,” and he had me pull over. I wondered if this is it for me, but I just stayed with the prayers. He got out of the car and smoked a cigarette as his body twitched. It seemed something major was going on within him internally. Then he had me drive him to the nearest truck stop, and he got out. Whew! I was safe, and I was paid well!
Whenever you feel out of balance, you can call forth the violet flame to pass through all your chakras, starting with your root chakra and slowly working it up to the crown chakra to purify everything physically, emotional, mentally, and spiritually that is not your perfection. It works according to your belief, usually between 5 to 10 minutes.
The Violet Flame rules our Aquarian Age, and is most responsible for the great purification happening on all levels of society, especially our government, banking, medical system, and religions.
You can help stop the dark forces by calling forth sacred fire legions of light from the company of heaven – if it is for the highest good for humanity at this time. When you add this clause, you release yourself of karma and allow the forces of Light, the collective prayers of humanity, including benevolent extraterrestrials to do their bidding. Some ETs have been given permission to disable the earth’s nuclear arsenals, and soon they will likely be given permission to shut down DEW lasers when humanity is ready for this. When I say permission, there is no overlord we must obey, commanding beings what to do and not do, but there are those high beings who can see the bigger picture better than we can alone, and by heeding their spiritual guidance we can make more conscious choices that best serve the whole and keep ourselves karma free.
What do you mean, “When humanity is ready?” According to my news sources, around a thousand innocent people have been killed by the laser fires in California, particularly in the town of Paradise. Why wait another minute?
What you need to understand is the spiritual law: “Outer Experience always reflects inner reality.” The collective energy of most of humanity (even though they may have a light agenda) is a bit dirty, scattered, and spiritually disconnected. If the average person is still allowing his or herself to be manipulated by dark energies (by worrying and harboring an addiction for example) then on the macrocosmic scale the outer collective experience for humanity is to be manipulated by dark forces. More people need to shift their own shadows into the light to see a greater shift into the light for the whole. This is another reason why doing your own inner work is so vitally important.
It’s Never About Them
Whenever I feel triggered about something, one of my spiritual teachers always says, “It’s never about them.” True, they may do something outlandish, but my upset is always my stuff that only I can resolve.
Another spiritual teacher says 96% of everything negative that happens to you are your own mind’s aspects haunting you. People around us tend to play out unresolved dramas in our own mind.
For example, back when I owned a taxi business for the purpose of raising capitol to launch UMS, at one time I lacked good drivers and in desperation I hired a man who turned out to be a negative influence to our customers. When I let him go, I had a strong feeling he would try to steal money before returning the office key that night. So I drove to the office, and strangely enough, the exact time I arrived, he was swiftly walking out with the envelope of money in his hand. Upon seeing me, he started running and so I managed to tackle him to the ground, and pick-up the fallen envelope of money. He said “it was his money.” I said, “I will call the police to settle this.” Hearing this, he ran away. We both knew the money in the envelope was my half of a taxi run he had already been paid for.
That was 2 years ago. Since then I have sold the taxi business and was sitting alone in the University office when the same man came bursting through the door, demanding the money “I stole from him.” I said I will call the police to settle the matter, he then grabbed a large black obsidian crystal off my desk and proceeded to throw it at me – while I dove beneath the throw and tackled him. He managed to jump out of my arms, out the door and run away.
The following week, I was in question about why this all happened, and how I could avoid any more drama with this crazed man. A vision came to me that I was something like him, a thief in a past life. I also acted this out slightly in my teenage years. Because I had felt so stolen from by the powerful and wealthy ones, I felt entitled to stealing and sharing the spoils with my friends, something like the Robin Hood story.
How did I know so well he would steal from me, so well that I was able to intercept him red handed? Because he was an aspect of me. I created him in a sense. When you know someone is going to hurt you, it is certain you have unfinished business in yourself. This man showed up in my life because I had unconsciously felt guilty for having money today, without knowing why until this experience happened.
To clear the karma, I practiced the Hawaiian forgiveness ritual called Ho’Oponopono:
Dear Brother,
I am so sorry for anything I may have done to hurt you knowingly or unknowingly. Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
Then I asked for forgiveness from all the people I’d stolen from in my past. Finally, I asked for forgiveness from my own soul, for to steal from others was to also be stealing from own self.
I now doubt I’ll never have trouble with that man again, I realize he was a gift to show me what still needed healing and integration in myself. The thief aspect in me was still lingering. Now that I have owned it with compassion, this unconscious aspect has shifted into a facet of my soul’s wisdom.
Terrible things tend to keep happening to us until we learn to heal the terror in ourselves. Recently an issue came up that got triggered by a loved one in my life who had a habit of interrupting me when I talked. This issue really sent me through the roof, but when I finally owned that I had been the world’s worst interrupter in my past, and forgave myself for it, this person was finally able to hear me and even change their behavior. Now this issue seems to have lost it’s charge altogether.
This is how we get free, and free the world. By using every challenge for our own personal learning and growth.
More Q&A
I can do my own work, but if most of humanity is still harboring dark energy, does this mean we are ALL in danger of the dark forces attacking us.
No. Again, everyone is in their different worlds, whether they realize it or not. You are getting the world you are choosing for yourself. Most humans forget to make choices, or believe they don’t have a choice, and these “sheeple” are more vulnerable to negative phenomena. If you keep a positive focus, choose to be safe and protected, and to avoid conflict with anyone (including yourself), your energy can become clean enough to be absolutely protected. You will no longer be an energetic match for low frequency energies. And then, you will find yourself in safe zones during times of change.
Again, I cannot stress enough, a very common problem with the sharing of disclosure is developing a negative outlook. For your safety and proactivity, maintaining a positive outlook is of top importance. Many people sharing the disclosure information become ill, and some lose their lives. Usually, they will tell you they got attacked by the dark forces. Understand, nothing can invade your life-stream without your invitation, whether it may be conscious or unconscious. If you believe you can be attacked and hurt, you are vulnerable. What most don’t realize is the spiritual truth: One gets to experience whatever they are primarily focused on. By focusing too long on dark energy, it is invited into your life stream.
Know you are the light that dissolves all darkness. You don’t have to fight anyone for this to happen naturally and safely.
There are those who operate at lower states of consciousness (but higher than the satanic ones) who are fighting against the injustice they had previously help cause, as a gradual path of rising out of negative karma. For example, some policemen were criminals in previous lives. When they are notified of criminal behavior they act passionately to stop it. In this way, the dark forces are naturally imploding.
Many light workers are hoping for a day that all the satanic ones are put behind bars. As most of you know, these beings have controlled humanity for thousands of years. Now, they are losing control because humanity is waking up, but this is still a gradual process. The idea someone, or some group is going to rescue you from the dark forces, and you will live in love and light forever more on Earth is a fairytale. You are are receiving support from extraterrestrials and Spiritual Masters, so that the whole human experiment is not lost, but the experiment itself of transforming all darkness into the light is taking thousands of years to complete for the roughly 10 billion souls associated with Earth.
Humanity is winning new levels of freedom at this time, as the earth is graduating to 4th density yet, overall most of the dark entities involved will continue to evolve along-side humanity. There is a purpose behind the interplay of dark and light forces that supports the evolution of all involved. Again, what happens on the macrocosmic scale is far less important than how you manage your energy individually. Use what is happening out there to deepen your commitment to your authentic wholeness and happiness and nothing can stop your personal evolution into greater expressions of peace, love, freedom, and joy. You really can have your own heavenly world if you are willing to believe and act on this wholeheartedly. You can help humanity find liberation only by yourself living it.
One of the biggest challenges for many of you who are awakening is to disassociate from people and activities that tend to disconnect you from your inner guidance, what you know is good for you. If other people in your life do not know they have a choice, and are hooked into the fear matrix for example by watching a lot of television, it may not be easy to separate yourself because you still may feel you belong to that tribe. Certain close people and habitual activities give us a feeling of belonging, and feeling belonging is important, if you want to stay in your body. I suggest you become fully conscious about the tribes you desire to hang with. If you don’t feel a high vibe with your friends and family, it is a sign to raise your vibration higher, again by clearing trapped emotions and toxic memories, and choose to be with the kind of people that help raise you higher.
Return of the Christ
The main reason so much darkness is being revealed is because we are at the return of Christ. Over 2,000 years ago Christ was embodied by one man, Jesus. Now the Christ is starting to be embodied by millions of people. The Christ is the realization “The Father and I are One.” The Father is a name for the I AM Presence, which also represents the perfect merging of the divine father and mother within. It is one’s perfect love, power, and wisdom in service to the highest good of all. Jesus did not want us to worship him as the only one. What would be the point in that? He said, “These things I have done you shall do even greater.” We are at that time, that we light-workers shall turn the tide of darkness on Earth, in a greater way than any one man could do alone. His example is guiding us to live our light, to blaze our light as we have never done before. Rest assured, our momentum to bring the planet fully into the light of love is unstoppable. Indeed it is our collective awakening to our eternal light that is exposing and transforming all darkness.