Sooner or later we are all ascending in consciousness. We are moving up into higher frequencies of Being, but ironically how we get there is not by going up. In fact, our perceived need to get high usually slows down our evolution process. When we try to get high in some way, we are usually already separating from our bodies. Maybe we feel judgment of our physical and/or emotional situation. Trying to escape these judgments and feelings by getting high with a substance or behavior, which can be as simple as over eating sweets or an activity as subtle as a spiritual practice, does not heal our pain and raise our energy frequency. The path of enlightenment demands us to integrate the energy of our perfect spiritual body with our challenged physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

How do we do that?

Instead of going up, we bring our divine Self down. We bring our heavenly states down to earth.  We call-in our over-soul, God, Great Spirit (whatever you want to call it) into our bodies, feelings, and thoughts. The popular human habit is to do the opposite. We don’t like how our physical and emotional body feels so we go for something to get high, like sweets, alcohol, pot, drugs, some adrenaline activity, sex, overwork, or over-pleasing others to fill-up our internal sense of emptiness.

When we get high on whatever activity we choose, we separate from our physical and emotional bodies. And sooner or later we must come back down to face what we had been avoiding and neglecting.

Our emotional and physical bodies store the accumulation of our past trauma memories, associated negative beliefs, and karma (memory of past actions.)

Our human tendency is to get some reprieve by getting high, to escape what we are really feeling in our lower chakras.

Many of our spiritual traditions demonize the lower chakras, telling us not to go there. If our lower chakras are so bad, then why did God give us lower chakras to begin with?

My belief is if more spiritual oriented people on our planet had fully functioning lower chakras we would have a planet more consciously managed by empowered spiritual people.

We all need to have all of our chakras functioning including the lower chakras in order to be empowered in our bodies on the earth.

Particularly, we must learn to bring our highest light and consciousness all the way down into our first and second chakras to feel safe on the earth and secure in our bodies,  and to be able to move forward with actualizing our dreams, step-by-step.

The first chakra represents Self, and our physical body.

Many spiritual folks have learned to put themselves last and deny their own bodily needs, and this programming has disempowered us. Self must come first to make the greatest difference for humanity.

My grandfather proved this point by working in his garden every morning, making millions at his office, and being the most generous person of my family. He was fully breathing and fully living. If you are not healthy, happy, and empowered  in your own body, and in the knowing of your Self as a gift to the world, then what can you offer?

To be brutally honest, most people lose their bodies because they have not converted the heavy karmic material accumulated in their bodies into the light of forgiveness and total acceptance. The guilt and shame weighs them down and so they must have another ultimate getting high experience called death.

On the other hand, The path of enlightenment and ascension means daily commitment to not escape but embrace every feeling, every body part, every pain, every thought, every remorse, with love and compassion. By practicing every day unconditionally loving everything that’s happening down here as a human being, including each layer of heavy judgment laden material, there becomes a day when complete integration has occurred. I understand this will be the time of our enlightenment and Ascension.

So I ask you now what if you committed to being fully in your body? I mean, what if you committed to loving everything that happens down in your lower chakras? What if you committed to fully loving your physical body, your sexuality, your human ego exactly as you are?  This includes loving every relationship of your life, because they are all mirrors of you that also need to be embraced with your unconditional love.

You are unconditional love. This is what you are made of. This unconditional love we are is our power to forgive and be free. Spiritual psychology is how our divine love heals our human issues. It’s not about going up into the spiritual to escape our psychology. And it’s also not about identifying with our psychology, all the things wrong about ourselves.

There’s nothing wrong with the real you.

You are not your human psychology. You are a divine Soul made in the image and likeness of God.  You are a powerful creator of the one Creator. We are here to remember our spiritual magnificence and bring it down into those places we had forgotten.

We must embrace our needy lower self. The path of Ascension is not about separating from it, or trying to kill it. This only creates more division.

The path of ascension is about loving yourself right where you are today. As you can love all your molecules, they transmute into light. The breath transports the love. Breathe this breath of love into every cell, every feeling, especially those places in your physical and emotional bodies that hurt.

Deep breathe like this for 20 to 30 minutes and you will have raised your body and brain pH a point or two.

As long as your body is alive, your blood pH is alkaline, about 7.4. Most people are not happy in their own skin because their body and brain tissue is acidic.  This slow acidic breaking down of our body’s tissue is the aging process. On the other hand, when you get your body and brain pH over 7.0 as it should be, you will start feeling tingly alive. I called this natural high “the alkaline tingles.” This is a sign your body is shifting from an atomic body to electronic light body. According to my research, the easiest way to alkalize is to breathe deeply.  This is what I share on Saturday mornings. It’s called the I Am Breath.

Deep breathing induces a natural high that isn’t an escape. Whatever trapped emotions in one’s body do come up to be integrated, but in a manageable way. It’s not overwhelming. It’s a practice you can do every day. It is the most enjoyable breath practice I’ve experienced.  With beautiful music, it an absolute joy to do together.

I’ve seen many new agers who talk about the angels – which is sweet. But many of them are up in their minds. They are not willing to breathe and feel what’s going on in their bodies, and so it seems to me they’re missing the most important key to enlightenment and Ascension. The Buddha said so long ago,  the main key to enlightenment is focusing on your breath. What I’ve seen is that real transformation begins when one has a regular practice of deep breathing, which catalyzes real transformation  and growth you can’t get reading a book, or listening to a lecture.

I will leave you with a quote from Rumi.

“There is one way of breathing that is shameful and constricted. Then, there’s another way: a breath of love that takes you all the way to infinity.” — Rumi.

You are welcome to join us in person or online for the I AM Breath Meditation 10am pacific time Saturday morning. Click here to register.