Client Attraction Simplified

We healers, coaches and counselors, often make getting clients too hard of an ordeal. The following is the core strategy of Heart Selling, which is loaded with more bells and whistles. But for now, I am offering you the core essence of how to attract clients in the most natural and effortless way.

Did you know that the universe is always working perfectly to bring to you those people who need your healing? Here, when I say “your healing,” I literally mean your self healing first.
Real healing that makes an impact on others is in a field of your self-healing. How do you do that?

As you know, there are a lot of heavy people out there who need to lighten up. Every time you meet someone and observe their heavy issue, you can either judge them as another messed-up human or you can love them as yourself. Every day the universe has a way of giving you certain experiences with people to further your self healing. In fact we can say, every moment is divinely orchestrated for your opportunity to heal, and awaken to your full potential.
When someone pushes your buttons, or brings up disgust, remember, you can love them as yourself. Actually, as Star-seed, this is your spiritual mandate. They are usually mirroring something in your past. By loving them and their human pattern, you are healing your own past memories.

I don’t know about you, but I run into these kind of people a lot. And by choosing to love them exactly as they are as a practice of accepting my past, openings often occur, first with myself, and often in our relationship.

Would you agree, nothing feels better than being accepted as you are, especially when you feel deeply challenged by some embarrassing issue?

“Acceptance is the foundation for positive change.”

Once a person feels my unconditional acceptance, they will often tend to open up more. They trust me to tell their story, and they will likely get down to the root of what is upsetting them. This is when I can explain I am a holistic practitioner that is willing to offer assistance.

There are two main ways that most practitioners miss this opportunity to serve.

  1. They offer their service without developing a trusting relationship with the person. So they’re offering comes across as trying to fix them as there’s something wrong with him.
    They don’t feel enough accepted and appreciated to be supported,  which is a vulnerable undertaking.
  2. They got lost in the conversation, and forgot to stand in their value of what they offer, they also may fear rejection, and so they allow themselves to become distracted from offering their service and asking for some kind of exchange in return for their time.

When your consciousness is rested in the LOVING, you are holding a great gift because the biggest issue for a person who feels challenged is usually self judgment, which keeps them stuck.  It is my experience, that if you stand in your “having,” and holding a space for healing while knowing that their and your higher power has a solution to their issue, the client will often feel this and ask for your opinion, and that’s the perfect moment to offer your service.

To summarize, potential clients are everywhere, and the universal intelligence is operating perfectly to bring to you people that further your self-healing, and when you’re in the feeling tone of self-healing other people feel this. When your heart is open, it automatically opens doors for others around you, those who are ready. (Don’t worry about the others.)
By using every person and experience that shows up in your life for your personal growth and healing, your love gets stronger, and you’re light gets brighter, and people
who are suffering are going to want to learn from you.

We all want to feel freer and happier. Your main job is to feel this first by using every experience as it was intended for. As you practice accepting everything and everyone as a gift to initiate your deeper compassion and higher passion, attracting clients will become a breeze!