530.925.6770 [email protected]

Course Descriptions

Most Masters Courses can be attended individually by non-masters students.
SOULSHINE! -Life Empowerment Workshop


Above the clouds of my mind, I AM always shining!  Joa Janakoayas

You are a blazing Soul, perfectly whole, innocent, beautiful, naturally abundant, loving, and passionately alive!

But is certain areas of your human life, you may not feel this to be true. 

Are you ready to clear the obstructions to your divine radiance? 

In this workshop, you will experience transformation in those areas of your life you need it most. Some of you may ask, “Where do I start?” Start with asking yourself these nine questions… “Rating between 1-10, how satisfied am I with my…”  Trust the first number that comes to your mind.

  •  __ Self
  •  __ Health
  •  __ Fun and Recreation
  •  __ Home
  •  __ Family Relationships
  •  __ Friendships
  •  __ Significant Other/Romance
  •  __ Work/Career
  •  __ Finances

Now that you have rated these areas., which ones do you feel the need to upgrade the most? With this knowledge, we will help you let go of subconscious resistance to upgrading that area of your life you most need a change.

Your life is as strong as your weakest link because each area affects every other area. For example, lonely people who have trouble with their relationships cannot get far with their career and finances until the cause of their loneliness resolved.

You will get to experience an array of Quantum Healing, Spiritual Psychology, and Life Coaching skills without having to learn them so you can concentrate solely on being supported with having a breakthrough in that area of your life you most need it.

Your facilitators will use a number of psycho-spiritual processes to help you transform your consciousness and DNA so when you leave the workshop, you will feel shifted in that area of your greatest challenge and will begin living the new vibration that attracts your desired outcome.


Introduction Class


Welcome to the first class of the IAMU Masters Program in Spiritual Psychology, Holistic Healing, and Life Coaching! This free class is both in person and online. It is available to registered students and those who are curious about how to realize their greater potential as a holistic practitioner that supports people in changing their lives for the better.

During this fun and magical intro program, new students and potential students will feel into the experience of being a healer, counselor and coach; assisting people in upgrading their consciousness and lives.  
Like all IAMU classes, our time together will be mostly experiential. This draws out your own authentic wisdom and inspiration. We will answer all your questions about our Master’s Program and you will get to know other amazing people who are committed to their growth. 
The Happiness Project

This essential course begins as soon as the student enrolls in the Masters Program and continues until graduation – because it is about changing our habits to live a truly peaceful, loving, and joyful life.

The Happiness Project is about self nurturing activities, not to be done as an obligation but as an opportunity to feel your inherent joy at a level you may not have felt before.

Many of us learned from our caretakers and society to neglect and even abuse ourselves. Most if not all our issues can be stemmed from not taking adequate care of ourselves. In order to survive our childhoods, we learned to put ourselves last, or to believe that our own needs and desires lacked importance. We have become so caught in survival, we can too easily forget we have a choice to enjoy our lives in body, feelings, mind and spirit each and every day. Many of us have been indoctrinated with the belief that we are sinners, consumers and bodies that just get sick, age and die and that we are a burden to our families. With all these negative labels we have taken on, our work is to peel off the layers of shame and rediscover our Soul’s magnificence.

This Course is designed for students to experience the healing and empowerment that come from daily self love practices. You get to choose your favorite ways of nurturing yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, including an exact ancient method called the Ishaya Ascension Attudes.  Students will be asked to keep a daily journal of how they are nurturing both themselves and others, and at the end of each month they will fill out a report sharing their progress. 

Imagine what your life would be like if you committed to scheduling and keeping your appointments of the specific actions that nurture yourself each and every day. The Happiness Project is about discovering how the more we nurture ourselves the more productive we become in far less time. Practicing regular self nurturing is also an act of maturity as we let go of getting love and approval from our environment and discover the infinite well of divine love within, and shower ourselves and others with it!

Two Strategies:

We know, according to the spiritual Law of Attraction, you must raise your vibration to live a more joyous and abundant life. If you are like most humans, raising your vibration is an ambiguous hit and miss challenge, as life’s circumstances can feel daunting at times.

The Happiness Project includes two main strategies:

  1. Following your intuition by asking the question,

    “If I were someone who truly loved myself and loved others as myself, what would I do today, this week, this month, this year, this lifetime?

    And, then follow this intuitive path – day by day.

  2. The second strategy involves a simple and easy inner practice for living a peaceful, stress free, and joyous existence called the Ishayas’ Ascension Attitudes.

What is the Ishayas’ Ascension?

The Ishayas’ Ascension is a simple, profoundly effective way to raise our vibration immediately and permanently beyond the stress of self-limiting belief. Based on appreciation, gratitude and love, this technique gently redirects our attention away from problem-oriented thinking back to the deepest truth of our being – unconditional love and gratitude. With the help of the Ishayas’ Ascension, we can easily clear out past beliefs and behavior patterns, which inhibit our full mental and physical functioning.

The Ishayas’ Ascension is an easy and natural technique that is normally practiced for about 20 minutes a couple times a day with the eyes closed – like meditation or contemplative prayer. It is also used in a simple way with the eyes opened throughout the day, as we actively participate in life. The ability to use such a powerful technique in both ways, (setting aside time to close our eyes as well as when we are engaged in our daily routine), brings peace of mind and mental stability into every aspect of our lives.

Through the regular practice of the Ishayas’ Ascension, we rest deeper and deeper in our true nature, thereby coming to realize we are complete and perfect just as we are. By connecting to the stillness within, we move beyond our searching habit and discover great depths of lasting peace, contentment, and serenity.

What are the Benefits? 

There are many benefits, too numerous to list here – and all are byproducts of turning our attention to the deepest truth of our being. The technique of the Ishayas’ Ascension is an effortless, 100% reliable way to do this. With regular practice, all stress and self-limiting programs are systematically erased from our nervous system. This allows us to respond to life’s challenging situations with grace and ease

The Ishayas’ Ascension is a gentle way to help us go beyond our false beliefs, fears and mental conditionings, so that we may experience the fullness of peace and joy, which is our natural state. More and more, as we choose the deepest truth of our being over the mind’s problem-oriented thinking, latent talents and creativity begin to emerge and life is lived in freedom, effortlessly.

With the dissolution of stress from the nervous system, we begin to see the true gift of the Ishayas’ Ascension: heart and mind come into alignment, revealing the always, already present reality of Enlightenment and Self-Realization.

To see how Ascension is effecting people world wide, watch these videos. 

How do I learn? 

This course in which the Ishayas’ Ascension is first learned is called a First Sphere. It is presented in a weekend format: beginning Friday evening, continuing through Saturday and Sunday.  The cost of this course in included in the IAMU Masters student tuition. For guest students, or if the course is taken at another location, there is a one-time cost of $250.  After taking the course for the first time, subsequent attendance at any First Sphere (regardless of teachers or location anywhere in the world) is available without cost. You can attend a free Introductory Talk prior to taking the First Sphere where you can learn more about the Ishayas’ Ascension and meet the teachers.

Who are the Ishayas? 

The Ishayas’ are an order of monks dedicated to the healing of humanity through the healing of the self. The Ishayas are committed to preserving the Teaching of Ascension and sharing it with those who want to learn.

The Ishaya Order is an unusual order of monks. They accept both males and females into the order, they do not follow a strict diet or moral code of conduct and are allowed to be in intimate relationships. They are usually found in everyday clothing as part of the community.

Generally, Ishaya monks are also teachers of Ascension. They have participated in an intensive consciousness training program which involves 6 months of Ascending (meditating) for 8 to 14 hours a day combined with yoga stretching and breathing exercises, a modified diet and daily meetings for instruction, guidance and support.

What is their History?

The original Ishaya‘s are an ancient order of monks located in the Himalayan mountains. They claim to stem directly from the apostle John, following the direct orders of Christ to preserve his teachings until the third millennium. They hold the original teachings of Jesus that were not a belief system at all, but rather a mechanical series of techniques to transform human life into a consistent perception and knowing of the perfection of divinity within every human heart.  For a more detailed History click here.

Spiritual Wisdom and Practices

Welcome to your Authentic Self!

In this class, we study:

  • The 3 levels of identity: Person, Soul, and I AM Presence
  • Spiritual Awakening and the Kundalini Experience
  • 4 Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual
  • 5 Dimensions of Consciousness
  • 6 Spiritual Initiations
  • 7 Sacred Flames
  • 12 Chakra Systems
  • 12 Universal Laws
  • I AM Wisdom of our Ascended Masters
  • The Angelic Realms
  • Prerequisites for Enlightenment and Ascension
  • How to Clear your Karma and live your Dharma
Enjoy Infinite Energy!

Remember when…

  • you bounced out of bed to greet the rising sun? 
  • you could run up a flight of stairs-effortlessly?
  • your beautiful energy attracted BIG LOVE?  

Your health, attractiveness, love life, career success, and prosperity all result from the quantity and quality of your energy. How is your energy today? 

  • Do you crave sweets, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, drugs, people, or sex to keep yourself going?
  • Are you overweight or struggling with a health issue?
  • Are you willing to break the human spell of disease and aging? 

After decades of research, Joa’s ebook, Enjoy Infinite Energy 

is one of the most comprehensive human energy studies to date. You will learn exactly how to access 7 types of energy available to humans: Earth, Chi, Cosmic, Crystal, Creative, Core, and Monadic.

You will learn a simple scientific test that measures the amount of energy in your body any time you’d like to track your progress from low energy to high energy enthusiasm. You will learn how to neutralize acidic inflammation and disease by changing your eating and more importantly your breathing, and thinking habits.  If you are overweight, you will discover how to raise your metabolism (rate of burning calories) effortlessly!  If your energy goes out of balance, as does most people’s, you will learn about an ancient method of balancing your male and female energies. If you have struggled with lack,  you will experience how shifting your energy from lack to overflowing abundance naturally attracts more prosperous opportunities.

To awaken to the holy grail of endless energy that heals virtually any issue and fills you with natural bliss, and does this without you having to do ANYTHING, give yourself this gift! This gift is not another health fad, or quick pill. This precious gift is how the endless energy of the Universe is available to you now and always for you to use and direct as you choose. Along with this course, you will receive Joa’s 225 page ebook Enjoy Infinite Energy without charge. 

We are not just human beings. We are powerful Spiritual Beings here to transcend our self limiting human experience. We have been conditioned to be disconnected from our Source energy, and thus we age, get ill, and die.  Enjoy Infinite Energy shows you exactly how to remove this conditioning and allow your LIGHT BODY to re-establish your endless youthful energy. 

Lack of life energy in the body is a primary cause of illness. In this course, you will learn how to measure the amount of life force in your body and increase it to feel blissfully alive any time you choose.  You will learn how to replace anxious energy with abundant “relaxed” energy in less than 10 minutes. 

You will learn BreathPlayTM (the winning “secret weapon” of many of the world’s top athletes) while exercising, walking, jogging, and doing any activity. 

And you will enjoy the “I AM Breath” for a body-mind-spirit supercharge!


You will also have the opportunity to earn certification as a Conscious Breathing Coach. You will be trained how to repattern your and other’s fear-based breathing into blissful empowered breathing. for constant relaxed abundant energy.

Spiritual Psychology Basic Skills


Twenty Basic Skills are learned throughout the program.

Spiritual Psychology is our roadmap home to our Authentic Self, the final medicine that frees us from our human issues.  Our definition of healing is “Love applied to the hurt returning us to the realization of our perfection.” Spiritual psychology uses the words “Loving Intelligence” to describe what the Authentic Self is made of. This Great Loving that connects us with our wholeness and the whole Universe. Spiritual psychology demonstrates exactly how the miracle of loving resolves various human issues. All of our methods support a natural spiritual awakening for ourselves and our clients. 

Imagine feeling truly seen, heard, and understood, and others around you having the same experience. These basic skills are the most fundamental ways we can improve our interactions with our clients, friends, lovers, and family members.

Quantum Healing 1: The Freedom-Code

Welcome to our most popular skill.

The Freedom-Code is our students’ go-to method that clears emotional and physical issues fast. Clients are amazed, and often want to book more sessions to clear more layers.

Would you like to be a powerful professional healer?

The Freedom Code makes healing and empowering yourself and others ridiculously simple.  Emotional and physical issues are cleared in minutes. You learn how to facilitate miracles without feeling depleted.

Whether you would like to heal and empower yourself and your family’s issues or would like to become a high paid professional who helps many people worldwide from the comfort of your home, the Freedom-Code opens the door to your spiritual abilities and higher wisdom to make a difference that makes a difference for our planet. Humanity needs more powerful healers like you! And the Freedom Code works perfectly via telephone, zoom, as well as in person.

Our 3-day training teaches you experientially the skill of energy healing in the correct way that never depletes you. You will be able to unblock yourself and others of health, relationship, financial, virtually every kind of issue ––because everything is energy. You will learn how to instantly and permanently transmute any negative energy into positive energy. For the past 8 years, we haven’t had one student who could not learn this simple but deep work. This is because everybody is a healer if they will apply themselves.  At the end of the 3 days, you will already have performed several healing and empowering sessions for yourself and others, and you will be amazed at what the Great Spirit has done through you!

What does a Freedom Code session look like?

The real you doesn’t need any healing. We see your Authentic Self is already whole and free. But, you may not feel free in certain ways, because you subconsciously absorbed society’s fear matrix.

The Freedom Code helps you remove the negative emotions that have become trapped in your body from previous traumatic experiences so your Soul’s magnificence can come back out to play! The stuff we clearing out of you is not really you and it was never you. These human patterns come out of us more easily when we stop identifying ourselves to them.  So, whatever emotions we clear out of you, please do not take any of it personally. Consciously, you may not be aware of it, because what we are clearing is on the subconscious level. It is the underlying stuff that has the tendency to sabotage your life progress.

Some of these emotions are trapped in the heart chakra causing an energetic wall between yourself and others. We have not found anyone who does not have the heart wall. I had 8 trapped emotions in my heart,  keeping me out of relationships. The very day I cleared that eighth emotion I dated a woman for the first time in four years, and another woman the next day, and that following evening I met Maqua, now my beautiful wife doing healing work with me now!

One layer at a time, we clear the stuff that keeps you from living your full potential.

Can we clear Physical Issues?

Absolutely yes. Every week we hear about another miracle. Long term aches and pains often vanish in the first session. Maqua and I both had an opportunity to clear extreme tooth pain. I gave one session to a woman in Spain on Skype, when I was just learning this work.   She was in excruciating pain and had scheduled her tooth to be removed the next day. My mind thought, of course, she will need to have her tooth removed. But muscle testing told me that the tooth could be saved. Every time I cleared an emotion, she said the pain was less. After 40 minutes the pain was completely gone. After the pain medication wore off hours later the pain was still gone. She canceled her dentist appointment and the last time I talked to her she still has the tooth without any pain. Maqua had the exact same experience with another lady.

Bigger issues like cancer require more sessions because so many layers of trapped emotions may be involved. But even so, clients invariably report feeling remarkably better after each session.

If you decide to join us, we suggest you have a magnet or crystal with you.  We swipe out the old toxic memories, like clearing old data out of the credit card.  It’s so simple, yet the miracles just keep happening!  See you on our next call!

Our methods are swift and powerful for finding and releasing trapped emotions and other blockages that have kept you from living your full potential. I look forward to your participation!

Our Training is guaranteed. If you are not amazed by your healing ability by the end of the three days, we will refund your money in full!

Client Feedback

When I first came across Joa’s Freedom Code and Maqua’s IQM I was at a particularly low and painful point in my life. My health was suffering and I couldn’t see a way forward. A friend
advised me of the Freedom Code and I thought ‘what the heck’ and jumped on the training three days later….

It’s no exaggeration to say that it has literally transformed my life. In that weekend alone, I let go of so much emotional baggage. I felt so good that I started to practice on a regular basis and discovered that I could replicate the feeling in as little as 10-15 minutes a day! I have also used it on various friends and family to help them.

It’s not just emotions these methods clear. I’ve used them, and had others use them on me, to clear up all kinds of physical issues very quickly and easily…

I’ve studied many healing modalities, yet nothing has come close to this. What I love about it is the simplicity. Anyone can do it. In fact I personally think everyone should be doing it – the world would be a much better place!

Thank you Joa and Maqua for bringing this great gift to the world.

Diccon Wilks

“My first Freedom-Code session with Joa was beautiful. Joa opened up the session with a prayer, calling in my higher self, angels and spirit guides which makes me feel safe to share my issues. I came in with heavy emotions of comparison, competition, stagnation, tire is toxic, and heart walls. Within one hour Joa was able to guide me through clearing these emotions that originated as early as four years old, one heart wall, and cutting several unhealthy cords with people in my past and present life. He even went on to clear an emotion from my sinus which has kept me from breathing properly. I left feeling light, liberated, and at peace. The stagnation in my creative hobbies is now cleared and I am ready to create and share my joy and inspirations with the world. I deeply appreciate all the affirmations Joa asked me to repeat after each emotional clearing because it truly allows me to step into my power and truths. So very grateful for all healing Joa! I will definitely book another session.”

Nickhom L, Mount Shasta CA


“I love the Freedom Codes technique for many reasons. The biggest is that it works and fast! I am not big on delayed gratification, especially when I am suffering. This technique will let you know right away what the issue is, where it came from, whether from this life or another, all the relevant information you need, and then clears the stuck energy, then and there. After years of counseling, coaching and study, this is the fastest way to freedom from emotional issues that I have discovered. I am living proof. Thank you Joa.”

Shanta Gabriel, author, teacher, energy healer


The Freedom-Code has been a great way to find trapped emotions in both myself and my clients. Some of these emotions I did not realize I had. I find it very magical when I am looking for an emotion and the Chakra Oracle reveals one that is spot on. The more I work with Accelerated Healing the more I am comfortable trusting the Universe. It is comforting to know that these emotions are not me and that I can easily release them. When these emotions are discovered I learn some new insight about myself. I also see the light bulbs go off in my clients. Clearing the emotions during the session leaves me feeling lighter and clears space for more self-love.”

Anne H, Las Vegas NV


“The Freedom-Code has been incredibly valuable and life changing. We have used this method to clear deep rooted emotions and have seen miracles and transformational shifts occur right before our eyes. The amazing part about the process of learning of Accelerated Healing was being able to clear deep rooted emotions on ourselves and with one another while getting comfortable and familiar through lots of practice. I noticed amazing shifts in my energy when I started to apply this method to clear emotions and my life began to change dramatically. Heavy trapped emotions from past lives and present life experiences that I didn’t even realize were effecting my present reality cleared. Stagnant energy and blockages have been removed and has cleared the way for me to truly step into my Divine purpose with clarity. I feel lighter, happier, healthier, and liberated. After a couple of months doing the inner work to clear my own emotions using accelerated healing, I felt aligned and comfortable enough to use this modality of healing to heal others and noticed amazing results. All of my clients have been impressed and intrigued by how well this method works to help clear emotions that were no longer serving them. I have already have clients who are looking to book a second session or have referred me to their friends and family. Accelerated healing is the most valuable and powerful modality of healing I have in my toolbox and I am truly grateful and honored for the opportunity learn, practice, and heal myself and others with this method.“

Sanary L., Dunsmuir CA



Working with Joa and Maqua has been exquisitely fabulous!  I am so much more peaceful and present in my body, far less in my head and naturally in my heart. Both my love life and career are going through the most positive transformation. We cleared the inner obstacles to my abundance.  Now, transactions are happening for me to receive large sums of money and I can see my dream of being financially free and a philanthropist for spiritual organizations is coming true!  They also supported me with speaking my truth to have a profound clearing with my business partners for more harmony, unity and partnership that better honors myself as well as them. After having several marriages, followed by years of being single, Joa and Maqua cleared my “heart wall emotions”. Then a beautiful woman from China I had not heard from in for over a year, contacted me. We talked on Skype and agreed for her to come in the United States to start a relationship with me. Now we are very happily living together as soul mates having a higher consciousness relationship! I encourage you to experience this life changing work!”

James G, Sacramento CA


As a healing practitioner I use various tools to help clients connect with their inner self including their inner child, divine feminine and divine masculine. The Freedom-Code is one the best tools I have found that clears the blocks within that close you off from knowing your true self!”

Emily V, Chicago CA



“The Freedom-Code is very powerful that allows me to find the trapped emotions from my early childhood. It opens up my awareness to a new level. I feel much more happier and present. I am so thankful to have this great spiritual healing method with me! Thank you Joa and University of Mount Shasta!”

Jennifer H, San Mateo CA



“I have received multiple Freedom-Code sessions. They really helped me navigate through challenges I was facing. I arrived feeling heavy and left feeling light, present and grounded!”

Erica L, Lake Shastina CA



“Recently I was bed-ridden for two weeks.The turning point happened after receiving an Freedom-Code session from Joa. While on the telephone, he guided me with using a magnet to swipe out a huge number of grief experiences starting at 3 years old that had become trapped in my body and heart.This grief in my heart had apparently affected my relationships – or lack of them. After that healing, I found new levels of success as a musician and love!”

Matt K, Austin TX


My session was AMAZING!  I’m still pinching myself that something so simple can be so quick and powerful.

Lisa D, Ashland OR



“Before the workshop I was having a lot of joint pain and feeling frustrated about serving more clients and creating a flow. After the workshop and the clearings, my joints are a bit stiff but the pain is greatly reduced. I had a big release regarding childhood pain and trauma, and integrated those old parts that were holding me back. I feel relief! I now feel my life could get better and better, that truly I could let go of old pain and blocks that have prevented me moving forward into more self comfort, creativity and love. I intend to use the tools I learned to clear myself and others and I would definitely recommend this workshop to those who have interest in this work. I love this work and look forward to having ease with it. I can see it becoming a great asset to myself and others.”

Sita F., Ashland OR

“Before the workshop, I felt excited to learn something new. The biggest breakthrough of the workshop for me was understanding the Heart Wall concept and starting to release stuck emotions. I found the Oracle to be a powerful tool in uncovering issues. I now have a powerful and fast tool for clearing stuff, including physical ailments as they come up. I intend to use the tools I learned from the workshop whenever issues come up and make it a regular part of my self-care. I would highly recommend this workshop.”

Michael O., Bay Area

“The last several months I have been learning and practicing the Freedom-Code, and I feel that it has really benefited me. After each session I always end up feeling more light and free in my body and often times I feel as if a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I have only known about accelerated healing for a short time but I highly recommend it. I always feel happier after each session.”

S.A., Ida MI


Our Training is guaranteed. If you are not amazed by your healing ability by the end of the three days, we will refund your money in full!

Advanced Forgiveness Skills


Without forgiveness life is governed … by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation.”

          – Roberto Assagioli

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

          – Buddha

Forgiveness frees us from reactionary experiences.

Because we are generally not aware of our past lives, often we do not know why we attract negative experiences to ourselves.  But the law of karma (cause and effect) reminds us there are no accidents in God’s universe.   It’s easy to believe how we are being treated is unfair, but if we had the bigger picture, we would see why, as the Universe is always balancing itself.  Einstein said: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  Whatever you put out into the universe always comes back to you.  There are two ways to neutralize negative karma: Good deeds and forgiveness.  If one hasn’t  forgiven oneself, one can do good deeds for lifetimes and still suffer.  

There is more to forgiveness than meets the eye. How can you forgive another if you are still resenting what they did? 

At IAMU, we educate two powerful forgiveness methods, the ancient Hawaiian way called Ho’Oponopono, and our Freedom Method.  

Self-forgiveness is an antidote to the pain and separation that self-judgment causes.  The Freedom Method can become a way of life, shifting every self-judgment into self-empowerment until a day comes when all is left is self-acceptance and appreciation. 

Forgiveness is the key to humility, and humility is our greatest strength.
Introduction to Advanced Spiritual Psychology Skills


Students learn the following Advanced Skills and Strategies that resolve people’s issues including anger, low self-esteem, addiction, depression, and relationship issues:

  • Person Centered Counseling Strategy
  • Inner Bonding
  • Gestalt Therapy


Inner Bonding

“Your vibration is 100% your responsibility.  In each situation, you feel full or empty inside, not because of what occurs, but from how well you are loving your inner child through the experience.”
Joa Janakoayas

Do you sometimes feel a sense of aloneness and emptiness in the pit of your stomach? Do you sometimes feel lonely, even with another person or a group of people, or even after lovemaking? Aloneness and loneliness come from the internal disconnection between our Inner Adult and Inner Child.  The six-step Inner Bonding process created by Margaret Paul, heals this inner split based in past wounds, re-parent’s the inner child, and allows an integrated Self to emerge, one that combines the playfulness, creativity, and intuition of the Inner Child with the wisdom, strength, and nurturance of a Loving Adult. 

Inner-bonding is more than therapy. It is a way of life, a way of taking 100 percent responsibility for one’s emotional state that can eventually lead to happiness all the time – enlightenment. 

Gestalt Therapy

Notice 3 images above, the 2 faces and the goblet. This metaphor symbolizes, by owning the opposite shadow we project,  we discover our wholeness. Gestalt Therapy has a way of bipassing the linear mind to reveal the  unresolved shadow self, and experiemntially complete what feels missing.

“We have a very specific aim in Gestalt Therapy… the aim is to mature, to grow up. My formulation is that maturing is the transcendence from environmental support to self support.”                                                                    –– Fritz Perls

“All issues get healed and integrated into present awareness.”    ––  Joa Janakoayas

A Gestalt counseling strategy emphasizes awareness in the now, taking responsibility for oneself, and achieving integration through the process of completing unfinished business by experiencing and expressing unresolved feelings. Often integration occurs by simply giving disowned aspects a voice and letting them speak their truth.  (In the Gestalt approach, changes occur as self-awareness is enhanced.) The focus is on wholeness through integrating dis-owned aspects of oneself.

When our shadow is owned with compassionate awareness, there is a huge release of energy.  Gestalt brings us into full aliveness unlike  other methods. If you want to come fully alive in your wholeness, attend this class!

Co-create Your Ideal Year!

You are a powerful Creator Being made in the image of your Creator.   Your most effective tool is what you choose to see and believe.  Perception is Projection.  Whatever you focus on expands.  This spiritual principle has been proven in quantum physics experiments. You deserve the life of your conscious creation.

In this course, we support you with having the courage to dream BIG!  You are a divine gift to our planet loaded with creativity, abundance, and love that deserves to be matched in every way!

Starting from a safe and deep inner space, you will allow your ideal life to be seen and brought into outer form.

In this course, you will attract your ideal body, home, friends, family, loving relationship, career, and finances via visioning mediations, heart mapping, composing a Vision Board, and Conscious Language. Your vision, art, message, and voice will be celebrated as it happens for you naturally. If you desire to be deeply inspired and energized by your soul’s core purpose, allowing of your biggest dreams to come true and breakthrough your resistance to coming out, then this is the perfect playshop for you! You will leave this class with an in-the-bones knowing: All your dreams are coming true!

Conscious Language


Our language mirrors our thinking.  As we change our language, we change the way we think.

Robert Tennyson Stevens, founder of

Conscious LanguageTM says:

“Conscious Language is a new operating system for our humanity. Every limited situation in our lives is existing because we are consenting, agreeing, resisting, hating, bothered by, struggling with, settling with, what ever It is AND our new Conscious Choice expressed in Conscious Language (Your Heart Choice, My Heart Choice, Our Heart’s Choice) has the only power to change the situation.  We must make the new Conscious Choice. “



  1. Help you to speak more directly from your heart to manifest your desired outcome.
  2. Empower you to claim and express your divinity in specific ways you choose.
  3. Discover how to catch self-sabotage before it acts in your life and turn it into self-empowerment.
  4. Transform your own areas of limitations into your Heart’s Desires.
  5. Awaken your capabilities and become a committed listener to your own inner strengths and genius.
  6. Be in the picture and reality of your own success.
  7. Immediately adjust any states of lack into having, being, doing, enjoying and thriving.
  8. Have fun coaching yourself into your victory, over and over again.
  9. Know the difference between process and outcome—It is the difference between “working on getting something” and “having something.”
  10. Provide your children, family and friends an effective joyous operating system in their own mind, feelings and experience.
Intuitive Systems

In this course, you will learn…

  • How to work with these Esoteric systems in a way  that empowers versus disempowers you.
  • The amazing connection between Numerology, Astrology,  and the body’s Chakra system. 
  • How to calculate your Personal Year, month, and days to be in your best flow.

In addition to classical understanding of your signs and houses, you will learn Jan Spiller’s Spiritual Astrology and Astrology of the Soul, which supports and deepens your spiritual awakening, how to heal karmic patterns and insight into your life mission. 

As a bonus, you will also learn your Human Design Type and Profiles, your amazing Gene Keys, and the Light Rays your Soul was born under and destined to work with. 

At UMS, students learn the difference between psychic reading, which can disempower  a person’s ability to create their life anew, and divination. Divination is receiving higher truth and life empowering guidance from one’s inner council. Students learn how to use oracles to prompt their inner divine knowing about any life issue. Students enjoy studying various intuitive systems including Astrology, Numerology, Human Design, Tarot card reading, and Joa’s Chakra Oracle.  


Those who choose to become a UMS Certified Spiritual Counselor do work of being mentored for a number of additional months for an additional fee. Upon certification, students will be accomplished in giving professional intuitive readings that are accurate and empowering. Students receive a frame-worthy certificate, logo art for their promotional materials, and a free practitioner listing with their picture on it.


Intuitive Arts

In this course, you will learn how to give Tarot Card readings, how to read chakras withjout having to see them, and how to Spiritually  Channel the higher Self and spirit guides. 

Tarot Card Reading 

Imagine walking away from each spiritual reading you gave feeling great because you witnessed it deeply helped them find their own heart and soul’s solutions to various challenges and offered empowering guidance for their next steps.    

You will learn everything you need to become a professional Tarot Card reader… Once you have a clear system of understanding, you may be surprised. It’s easier than you think!



…has been giving and teaching Tarot Card reading for 35 years. After his first 4 years of giving hundreds of readings to people worldwide with much positive feedback, he burned out. 

He was then spiritually guided to develop a new way of Tarot card reading that ensures a more harmonious and empowering experience for both the client and the reader. This unique way is more simple and easy to do, not an energy drain, and the information received is more specific and practical for the recipient’s life. 

“Thank you for your amazing talent. Your reading was extraordinary and brimming with stunningly accurate insights. You have a captivating gift, which anyone fortunate enough to experience it will walk away changed forever.” 

One of many testimonials

Often Tarot card readings are overly complicated and ambiguous to remember. In this workshop, you learn how to read accurate information that answers your client’s questions with exacting specificity.



At IAMU, students learn the difference between psychic reading, which can disempower  a person’s ability to create their life anew, and divination. Divination is receiving higher truth and life empowering guidance from one’s higher self and spirit guides. 

Students learn how to connect with their spirit guides and ascended masters and bring through empowering messages.

The channeling class was amazing! I came in with the idea that spiritual channeling was going to be difficult, however I was blown away by how simple it was! Joa truly over-delivered and guided me to my own inner guidance to channel.

What touched my heart the most during the class was connecting with Quan Yin and channeling her beloved messages to me. I am truly grateful for this and feel so much love and joy! The ability has always been within me to channel, and now I am tapping into my own perfection even greater!

I thought there was no way I could do this in two days, yet here it is. I am going to practice channeling daily to boost my intuition and connection with all my angels, spirit guides and masters. I’m so excited!

Gao Sheng, Mount Shasta CA

This course definitely delivered what I expected. Joa is an amazing teacher, and showed us that channeling is an easy thing to do. He made it simple.  

It made me believe more and more in myself, and I loved receiving guidance from the other students in the class, as well.  

I feel completely different after this class, and just feel more like me and more confident about myself.  

I now that the ability to channel is within me, and I just need to feel it and trust it!  

Maria Carolina Thompson, Brazil

I’ve been wanting to learn how to channel and I finally did in this class! I thought channeling would be hard to do. However, Joa made channeling easy and simple to do. Just trust and allow and miracles will happen.

I like how Joa gives demonstrations and then lets us dive into the practice which helped me build confidence. I felt a shift in my confidence level and I see myself as a channeler now, and being able to receive guidance in a zap! Before this class, I was unsure if I could do this or if it was safe, but when I choose to connect with the truth, I AM, I know I can do it! I’m looking forward to practicing channeling every day, now.

Nhou Lee, Mount Shasta CA





Those who choose to become an IAMU Certified Spiritual Counselor do the work of being mentored for a number of additional months for an additional fee. Upon certification, students will be accomplished in giving professional intuitive readings that are accurate and empowering. Students receive a frame-worthy certificate, logo art for their promotional materials, and a free practitioner listing with their picture on it.


Marriage of the Opposites

Finally, a way to heal society’s sexual issues at the core, starting with yourself!

This workshop is much more than about sex. It is learning to balance and marry the opposite energies in yourself to become emotionally sovereign and ecstatically alive!

  • Free yourself from seduction and embody True Love.
  • Enjoy a deeper intimacy without painful drama
  • No longer be an energy taker, and get drained by other energy stealers.
  • Be free of cravings for unhealthy substances and activities.
  • Feel Whole, Emotionally Fulfilled, and Naturally Generous!
  • Rediscover what real love-making truly is.

Absolutely Life changing! So much shame has been cleared from having been sexually abused, and I already feel more grounded and connected to myself. –Participant

Life mastery must include how we manage our sexual energy. Most people are not in their wholeness, and subconsciously steal energy from the opposite sex and allowing their energy to be stolen.  Free of energy stealing we can enjoy wholesome connections with other people.  We unconsciously steal energy from each other because our own sexual energy is out of balance.  It is a virus of consciousness situated in the abdomen that has infected humanity for thousands of years. It is the habitual forgetting of our inner male-female balance and wholeness and is a core cause of inner conflict within oneself and outer conflict with others, codependence and lack of individual sovereignty.  

Symptoms include:

  • Lack of Energy
  • Fogginess of mind
  • Distrust of Self
  • Lack of boundaries
  • Extreme moodiness
  • A tendency to argue or blame
  • Addiction of all kinds
  • Unhealthy sexual encounters
  • Feeling wounded from unhealed sexual and physical abuse trauma
  • Depression and bipolar tendencies
  • Other psychological disturbances

This life-changing course includes the learning of an ancient simple technique given to humanity from angels that permanently clears the energy stealing virus out of one’s body and mind so they can live in balance and harmony. 

Because our culture has been slanted more toward the masculine energy for thousands of years, additional emphasis will be placed on how to incorporate more of our feminine energy and all of our activities and relationships.

“If you desire to free your body of imbalance and feel it as the ecstatic and whole light body it is meant to be, you must be willing to love your body without reservation.”

Joa Janakoayas


Healing of Memories

In The Healing of Memories, students celebrate their life and do the inner work of resolving their past,  from conception and birth to the present.

We do this work because, upon deeper self-exploration, we discover ourselves feeling like victims of  “negative”  appearances today because we have unresolved childhood memories. 

To say it simply: Our past baggage emotionally weighs us down, and hinders our ability to move forward with our dreams.  

Students apply their newly learned basic and advanced self-healing and counseling skills (including The Freedom-Code, The Freedom Method, Ho Opponopono, Love What Arises, Inner-Bonding, Gestalt, Reality Therapy, and Act of Mastery to heal their memories through Erik Erikson’s 8 developmental stages.  These stages are, Birth, Early Childhood, Preschool, School Age, Adolescent, Young Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, and Maturity.    

In each past stage of their development, for every toxic experience,  students resolve feelings of being wounded, resentful, and/or victimized to discovering relief, wisdom, and authentic gratitude.  Free of their past, they no longer attract painful similar experiences and can create their lives anew without emotional hindrance.  

Virtually all students agree, healing their memnories is one of the greatest gifts they have ever given themselves, and this gift goes on giving up and down their family lines and with all their relations.

Relationship Project

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”             – Sam Keen

Most of us were raised with at least one person who triggered in us a great deal of pain.  In the Relationship project, students practice healing their relationship with that most challenging person over a 3-month period.

How one relates with another can be in reaction or in choice. Many of us have learned to believe that we are powerless to change our relationships. It is true we are powerless to change another human being, no matter how much we love them, but we do have a choice of how to relate. When we relate only to the reacting personality, we find ourselves reactive. When we look beyond the human behavior to see the radiant Soul that is already perfect, we open the door to be seen in our perfection. We relate with others not to get anything in return. We relate with others to see how we are relating with ourselves and make improvements if needed.

Ironically, after treating their most challenging relationship for a period of 3 months, with no intention to change them, they usually do show signs of positive change. Love does make a difference!

Perhaps the greatest benefit of this self-purification work is no longer subconsciously attracting negative people like that again. 


  • Empowers one to let go of their reactivity and sense of victimhood and discover their immunity to others’ irrational behaviors.
  • Helps one take responsibility for their ability to have a loving relationship with anyone and everyone regardless of other’s behaviors.
  • Provides an opportunity to face and heal one’s deepest and long-standing pain and upsetting issues with loved ones instead of reacting via violent confrontation or escape.
  • Discover an unconditional love, the authentic love of the soul that heals all human issues.
Soul Recovery Coaching

Why are so many people unhappy in America, the country where people are free to pursue their happiness?  Because true happiness does not result from a pursuit. Happiness is our inherent nature, available now and always.  

In this course, Students learn how Advanced Spiritual psychology skills can be applied over a period of time to  help people transcend anxiety, depression, and various addictions. 

Fulfillment Coaching

Coaching begins where counseling leaves off. Counseling is for resolving issues. Coaching is for creating your fulfilling life. What fulfillment means – is unique to each client. Take a moment and ask yourself

“What fills you up? What nourishes you? What gets your blood going?” Most people have rarely been asked questions like that, if ever.

Take a guess… What portion of our population feel truly fulfilled in their lives? What percentage are truly prosperous doing exactly what they love most? What portion would you guess are in a truly happy relationship? The statistics are obvious, most people have learned to put off their fulfillment.

This is one main reason why the life coaching industry has recently exploded. We were not taught how to be happy and fulfilled.

Clients come to coaching short of breath from running after their lives, trying to catch up or get ahead so that someday they can have the life they want. It’s the life they are planning to have… as soon as.. (fill in the blank) their house is paid for, the kids are in college, they find their ideal career (or their soul mate), venture capitalists invest in their genius. Clients are living their lives while holding their breath.

Even those who get focused on a worthy goal often have difficulty with making it happen usually for a combination of three reasons:

1. They have focused on the goal as a means of fulfillment (i.e., the money, the soulmate, the perfect body) without dealing with their current discontent. Actually, fulfillment is not something you can get or own. It is something you can live into. As we dream our most fulfilling life, we can step into this dream now because, at our spiritual core, we each are that fulfilling source of all dreams. Fulfillment can never happen in the future, but only through each fully LIVED now moment.

For example, my uncle Charlie Hillard was surprised to find himself depressed a month after winning the World Aerobatics (stunt flying) Championship. He later emerged with the wisdom that he was happiest – not after achieving his goal of winning, but during the entire journey beforehand – while living in excellence each day with his final goal in sight. He decided in order to perform at the championship level he’d better take excellent care of himself as well as his plane every day.

2. Another challenge to finding individual fulfillment is the demanding world that surrounds us. We are all pulled into 40 different directions at once by expectations of others and current responsibilities. We can guide our clients with methods such as Balance Coaching, meditation, creative visualization, that shift them from reacting to their outer world to creating the world they want from the inside out.

3. Perhaps the greatest challenge is our inner obstacles, those voices in the dark that say things like, “I doubt you can succeed. ” You don’t deserve it. Why Try?” Also called “the inner critic,” negative Self talk,”or the Saboteur. We at UMS call it your “Gremlins” Gremlins unchecked can sabotage your life. Whatever method you use, to move forward with co-creating a fulfilling life, the gremlins must be overcome in some way.

Fulfillment starts with asking questions like, “When are you most alive? Who are you being? What are you doing?” Most of our clients have never really asked that question, not at the deepest level.

“No really, what do you really want in your very own life? You get to make it up from a blank page.”

Then claim it. To actually make plans to create that life, well it means breaking out of familiar boxes, lined with the soft illusion of safety, like those super comfortable cushy coffins.

Justice Oliver Wendell Homes said, “Too many people die with their music still in them.” In a world that favors going along to get along, living a fulfilling life is a radical act. Coaching fulfillment means getting people free of conventionality to sing their own special song, dance their own dance.

Students learn Life Visioning and Manifestation methods, how to empower clients with powerful questions, and how to build one’s practice with long term paying clients without trying to sell them.  In this class, students also clear any blocks to their increasing prosperity.

Balance Coaching


Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.  –– Albert Einstein



Because life is always in motion, balance is a dynamic concept. At each moment, we are either moving into better balance or more out of balance. Coaching for balance begins by inviting clients to look at their lives from a variety of perspectives in order to be free to choose their own version of a balanced life. Balanced coaching helps clients make life-giving choices, make a plan of action based on their choices, committing to their plan, and moving into action.

Once we commit to enjoying a bigger more awesome life, we invariably get overwhelmed, because there is so much to life. There are so many demands to face every day. Balance coaching helps people sort through it all, and move forward with their most important goals, so they can feel relaxed, fulfilled, and inspired, day by day.

Client Attraction, Rejuvenation, and Enrollment (CARE)

Needing More Clients?

Many people need your services… They are lost in fear, reaching for solutions. How do you reach them?…

It’s all about how you communicate.  Here is a hint: 

“No one cares about what you know until they know you care.” Teddy Roosevelt


Welcome to the

Client Attraction, Rejuvenation, & Enrollment (CARE)

The CARE Seminar experientially educates the latest client attraction and enrollment techniques, and it is so much more than technique. It is more about where you are coming from. You will learn to express your caring in a way that gets heard. When your heart is on fire with love, and your words reflect this, your service becomes irresistible!

You will …

  • learn how to intrigue a person to ask more about your work in 2 sentences.
  • 10 ways to find your clients.
  • Clear your Heart Wall: Emotional blocks to having powerful connections.
  • Rejuvenating Conversations that motivate people to enroll themselves into buying your service.
  • How to create your 6 figure income that gives free education to thousands of people 
  • and much much more!
Prosperity Breakthrough Course


Has money been elusive in your life?

Are you tired of being in debt?

Are you a chronic under earner?

Have you had to work hard for money?

This had been me – for many years.

Lacking money had been my biggest life challenge.

Why are so many people in poverty? Is it the economy?

No, there are those who are unaffected by the economy, and some people make more money during economic downturns.

Is it the rich have taken from the poor? No, this is not the cause but a symptom of the real issue.

People are in poverty for only one real reason. They do not have a healthy prosperity consciousness.
As long as you have a poor prosperity consciousness, no matter what, you will subconsciously push money away.

For many years, this had been me. I believed having money was the result of hard work, but it seemed the harder I worked the less money I had. Now I know why. When I was overworking to try to get ahead, I was not being present and happy with my current life, with my loved ones, and myself.

Can you relate?

So then I realized I had to get off that treadmill and live in my Volkswagen van and give Tarot card readings for a living. It was fun, but I was only living on peanuts. I could not really travel or buy a house.

I had not learned that I could be free to enjoy my life AND have money. It was either hard work or living as a hippy.

I never allowed myself to save money because when I was working so hard for it I had to spend it on stuff to make me happier because I really wasn’t happy, to begin with.

Can you relate?

Well, those days are over. Since I am learning unconditional prosperity, income keeps pouring in from unexpected sources because my prosperity consciousness is finally unconditionally expanding!

In the past, I had gone to several prosperity seminars, and I must admit, I was stubborn, a very tough nut to crack, because each time after the seminar hoopla wore off, I felt let down.  I was right back in lack.

Now, I know why. Most affirmations don’t work because the subconscious mind can’t accept them; they’re too unbelievable. Your subconscious beliefs determine the quality of your outer experience because it is your predominant thinking.  In this workshop, you will learn how to impregnate your subconscious mind with your prosperity consciousness in a more gradual and gentle way.  Instead of inner conflict, you will learn how to experience an inner love affair between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. When your subconscious mind is successfully impregnated with your new agenda, wa-la! your outer experience shows up reflecting the greater prosperity you chose for yourself.

Becoming wealthy from the inside-out has never been more simple. For only about 30 minutes of inner work a day, you will receive unexpected income within 2 weeks. I received it in 2 days!, and as I said before, I have been the most stuck around money. I have hated having to deal with it.

And, I have had a seemingly endless list of financial setbacks.

In this workshop, all the reasons you block money in your life will get addressed and cleared.

I was so financially stuck, I was close to shutting down the University “because of the coronavirus.” That was only an excuse because the only thing that determines our money supply is our consciousness.  When our money consciousness is small, we get a small amount of money. In this Prosperity Breakthrough Course, you will expand your money consciousness and will have developed simple skills of continuing your money consciousness expansion for the rest of your years.

If I had only known about this before, I would already be very wealthy today. But I can say, ever since I started this program, I have attracted more daily wealth and success than I can ever remember before.

Maqua and I’s lives are changing dramatically, and if you do the simple daily exercises, I know you will soon be thanking us for sharing this simple work.

How would you like to know in your bones, you will only become wealthier for the rest of your years because you are taking 100 percent responsibility for your prosperity consciousness?

This is what I know now. I just didn’t know how simple and straightforward it is to change my subconsciousness until recently.

It’s like all you had to do was have a simple habit like brushing your teeth or working out every day, and then you would know without a doubt your ever-expanding prosperity is handled and happening.

Imagine, no more worries about the bills being paid.  No more,  “I can’t afford it”.  And, imagine being able to pay for that big-ticket item you have always wanted to do like going to college, buying land, or traveling the world. For me, it has been getting financial support to help the planet in bigger ways.

And, we are guaranteeing your success.  If you do 30 minutes of simple exercises we ask you to do each day (20 minutes in the morning, and 10 in the evening), we guarantee you will receive unexpected income within 2 weeks, and you will receive at least the cost of this course in 8 weeks., or we will refund the course price in full!

This course was done with such love and provided the opportunity for each of us to be ourselves. The course was safe, comfortable, fun, sincere, connected, and definitely delivered what I expected. I am so much more grounded in the gifts that await my every step. I feel that I will be calmer (less worried) about the state of the planet and more focused on my responsibility to my journey. I intend to practice all the lessons given, practice breathing, watch, and celebrate all the universe gives me and expect love!

And, I must share a HUGE win!!! I just received $6,000 unexpected addition to my income. It’s complicated, but let’s just say my company has to give me $6K to comply with the stimulus package. I found out this morning!

– Joseph S.


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