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Accelerated Transformation Circle – Free Session • $50 value.

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Accelerated Transformation happens when you receive Maqua’s Integrative Quantum Medicine (IQM) and Joa’s Freedom-Code simultaneously.  We welcome you to feel this change, wherever you are on the planet.  All you will need is a magnet or small crystal.  (But if you do not have one, you can imagine a ball of light in your hand.)

What happens in an Accelerated Transformation session?

Physical and emotional pain is gracefully removed out of your body and mind. Through Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) we discover the trauma memories at cause of emotional energy disturbances in the body and mind and clear them instantly. As a result, clients report instant relief, and often total relief in the first session. We can clear any kind of issue: Health, relationships, work, whatever.

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We are Maqua and Joa, originators of Accelerated Transformation

We welcome you to experience it, wherever you are on the planet.  All you will need is a magnet or small crystal.  (But if you do not have one, you can imagine a ball of light in your hand.)

At the deepest level, there is nothing wrong with you! We see your Authentic Self is whole and free. You may not feel free in certain ways, because you subconsciously absorbed your family and society’s fear matrix.

We clear away the negative emotions and beliefs that have become trapped in your body from previous traumatic experiences so your Soul’s magnificence can come back out to play! This stuff we’re clearing out of you is not really you and it was never you. These human patterns come out of us more easily when we stop identifying ourselves to them.  So, whatever emotions we clear out of you, please do not take any of it personally. Consciously, you may not be aware of it, because what we are clearing is on the subconscious level. It is the underlying stuff that has the tendency to sabotage your life progress.

Some of these emotions are trapped in the heart chakra causing an energetic wall between yourself and others. We have not found anyone who does not have a heart wall. I had 8 trapped emotions in my heart,  keeping me out of a relationship. The very day I cleared that eighth emotion I dated a woman for the first time in four years, and another woman the next day, and that following evening I met Maqua, now my beautiful wife doing healing work with me now!

One layer at a time, we clear the stuff that keeps you from living your full potential.

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Does the Freedom Code work for Physical Issues?

Absolutely yes. Every week we hear about another miracle. Long term aches and pains often vanish in the first session. Maqua and I both had an opportunity to clear extreme tooth pain. I gave one session to a woman in Spain on Skype, when I was just learning this work.   She was in excruciating pain and had scheduled her tooth to be removed the next day. My mind thought, of course, she will need to have her tooth removed. But muscle testing told me that the tooth could be saved. Every time I cleared an emotion, she said the pain was less. After 40 minutes the pain was completely gone. After the pain medication wore off hours later the pain was still gone. She canceled her dentist’s appointment and the last time I talked to her she still has the tooth without any pain. Maqua had the exact same experience with another lady.

Bigger issues like cancer require more sessions because so many layers of trapped emotions may be involved. But even so, clients invariably report feeling remarkably better after each session.

So the bottom line here is everyone on the phone line will be clearing emotions while we work with each person one at a time. If you feel heavy while we clear someone’s emotions, you can bet that emotion is somewhere lodged in you as well. So you can use your magnet to clear whatever comes up. Again,  if you decide to join us, we suggest you to have a magnet or crystal with you.  We swipe out the old toxic memories, like clearing old data out of the credit card.  It’s so simple, yet the miracles just keep happening!  See you on our next call!

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“I have received multiple The Freedom-Code  sessions. They really helped me navigate through the challenges I was facing. I arrived feeling heavy and left feeling light, present, and grounded!”

-Erica L, Lake Shastina CA

“My session was AMAZING!  I’m still pinching myself that something so simple can be so quick and powerful.” 

– Lisa D, Ashland OR

“Receiving the Freedom Code  has been exquisitely fabulous!  I am so much more peaceful and present in my body, far less in my head and naturally in my heart. Both my love life and career are going through the most positive transformation.”

-James G., Sacramento CA

“The Freedom Code  has been a great way to find trapped emotions in both myself and my clients. The more I work with the Freedom Code the more I am comfortable trusting the Universe. It is comforting to know that these emotions are not me and that I can easily release them. Clearing the emotions during the session leaves me feeling lighter and clears space for more self-love.”

– Anne H, Las Vegas NV

“The Freedom Code has been incredibly valuable and life-changing. I noticed amazing shifts in my energy when I started to apply this method to clear emotions and my life began to change dramatically. Stagnant energy and blockages have been removed and have cleared the way for me to truly step into my Divine purpose with clarity. I feel lighter, happier, healthier, and liberated.”

-Sanary L., Dunsmuir CA

Recently I was bed-ridden for two weeks. The turning point happened after receiving a Freedom Code session from Joa. While on the telephone, he guided me with using a magnet to swipe out a huge number of grief experiences starting at 3 years old that had become trapped in my body and heart.This grief in my heart had apparently affected my relationships – or lack of them. After that healing, I found new levels of success as a musician and love in my relationships!”

-Matt K, Weed CA

“The Freedom Code is very powerful and allows me to find the trapped emotions from my early childhood. It opens up my awareness to a new level. Immediately afterward, I feel much more happy and present. I am so thankful to have this great spiritual healing method with me! Thank you Joa and University of Mount Shasta!”

-Jennifer H, San Mateo CA

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