Do you remember peanuts, when Charlie Brown would say, “Good Grief”
Is there such a thing as good grief?
I believe there is.
The other night, after someone I care about didn’t get back with me, I felt empty inside, an all familiar feeling of “being ignored, avoided, neglected.” I already knew this feeling was sourced from when I was 2 to 3 years old when my young mother was too much in her own story to hold me, and age 8 when my parents divorced and my father wound up homeless for 10 years because he could not grieve out his pain.
With all the work I’ve done on myself over the years, I recognized quickly the old wound of mine was being re-triggered by a person simply not reciprocating as I desired.
So I use my Freedom Code Quantum Healing system to clear the emotions of rejection and heartache out of my energy field and DNA.
After that, I felt the need to grieve. I had to grieve out the grand illusion that I’m not loved and not important.
I loved my inner child through the tears. It was like a very refreshing and regenerating rainstorm. A wonderful downpour.
And now, the sunshine of my being has come back out and I feel sparkly and alive in the Loving.
Grief doesn’t have to last months. I respect if it needs to, but it seems to me, when we give up the story and take the opportunity to love ourselves deeper, grief can serve its purpose and be completed.
The human ego can be so terrified of letting go of a relationship that no longer serves us.
But I am reminding us here that on the other side of that grief there is such a powerful renewal of the soul.
Losing a long-term relationship can bring up many layers of grief that can come up for weeks or months.
I noticed that if I just go with it, using each downpour as an opportunity to go deeper into self love, I find myself becoming more authentically peaceful and joyous in myself, without needing anyone, substance, or compulsive activity to fill me.
The truth is, anything but pure love leaves us feeling even more empty inside.
Instead of try to get a cheap thrill, something to sugarcoat our feelings, we can choose to open to divine love; to open ourselves to unconditional love for ourselves exactly as we are now. And then this profound love may pull up grief that needs to come out of our pain body.
Grief is really a good thing.
I would like to recite to you an ancient story about the Gautama Buddha’s closest disciple and caretaker, Ananda. When the Buddha passed from his body, Ananda wept deeply. The other disciples chastised him, “You should be celebrating. The Buddha is now in nirvana (heaven). Ananda replied, “I do not grieve for the Buddha. I grieve for myself. For over 50 years I have been at his side. Other disciples have attained their enlightenment, but I still have not attained. It is said that Ananda, grieved all night long. The next morning, he fully awakened. For the many years after, he was highly respected enlightened teacher for many people.
The path to enlightenment takes us to the sobering fact that there is nothing to get from this outer world. Nothing in this outer world has lasting fulfillment. Whatever we become attracted to, we’re going to have to lose it sooner or later. Everything is temporary.
But infinite love is always here. Maturity involves dropping all outer attachments and coming home to the love that never ends.It is being responsible to give unconditional love to ourselves, and share this authentic loving with others.
We don’t have to be in a new relationship to fall in love. The word “fall” in this case means to me – to drop out of the mind, all the reasons we think we’re not lovable, and drop into our hearts, the portal to infinite universal love. When we are more free of an agenda of getting something from somebody else our loving shows up as authentic.
Sant Germain says, “True love is based in freedom.”
So whenever you feel empty inside when someone is not showing up for you in the way you like, you have an opportunity to source where the memory is stemming from.
Certainly this upset is coming from somewhere in your past, and this keeps you from being fully present.
If and when you feel this pain, the pain of feeling unloved for whatever reason, I invite you to say these words to yourself:
“With this ____________ (situation) happening, I deserve MORE LOVE not less.”
In other words, when you’re hurting inside, this is the best time to pour on the love for yourself.
This may even trigger tears to come up, for the extra love and light you are drawing in to yourself tends to push up the old pain story up and out of you.
If you do not cling onto old self limiting beliefs while going through this cleansing, you will likely come out of it feeling much more free, available and attractive to others.
Feeling free is attractive! You will likely attract higher vibrational relationships into your life.
Enjoy the beautiful reflections of your authentic loving!
Joa Janakoayas
I am available for intuitive insight and healing.