Healing The Psychological Cause of Viruses and Vaccination Reactions

In this post we will explore the psychological causation of viruses and vax reactions, and how to heal it. 

We are Shifting From Tribal Group Mind that is easily threatened by outside information, to Sovereign Peaceful Individuals who do their own research and are open to to other’s findings. We are moving into a decentralized society of sovereign citizens – where each person’s truth is to be respected, even if not agreed with. We no longer need to argue or fight over our different viewpoints. By learning to listen to each other’s truth with an open mind,  all of our realities get more expanded.

In the past we were dependent upon a central authority, one central truth we were all taught to believe and follow, and this kept us under a spell we must obey, like slaves or like sheep being herded and sometimes led off a cliff.  For example, we were led to fight other nations who thought differently. Rather than risk being ostracized by our national tribe, we dared not think differently.

The collapsing of tribal thinking born of irresponsible centralized control has first led to chaos. If we can’t trust our main stream media, government leaders, doctors, religious and spiritual leaders, who can we trust?  We start by learning to better trust ourselves, our own intuition, our own research, and those others who resonate in our heart.. We each have a piece of truth of the grand puzzle.

Emerging from the chaos is a unity of sovereign citizens who have stepped outside of the spell of tribal group mindset. We are individuals who are learning to trust our independent thinking and voice, and as our numbers are growing, the leaders will have to follow us.  We will be uniting in our one heart – with an open mind to all of our different viewpoints, and this will make us very strong as a society. This is what we have to look forward to. 

At the moment, we are mostly still in the time of chaos. Centralized control is putting up quite a fight, and there are still many tribal members caught in the fear matrix.

My Truth About Covid and Vaccines

In our I AM U Masters Program, I am committed to:  “No one gets to be wrong.” This means all opinions are respected. I am asking you to respect my opinion, even if you don’t agree with it, and If you offer feedback, I promise to offer your truth the same respect back. 

After reading much unpopular scientific literature including Arthur Firstenburg’s 580 page masterpiece, The Invisible Rainbow, everything I believed about viruses has changed. I am fully convinced, all influenza, which the original word means “being influenced by the atmosphere,” comes from extra electricity our bodies aren’t used to. 

For thousands of years, influenza only happened every 11 years, at the top of the solar cycle.  And when the solar cycle skipped, there was no influenza because the sun remained relatively silent.  This is all documented fact. 

When radio waves arrived we had the Spanish flu, and we’ve had a continued onslaught of extra artificial electricity ever since with flu after flu after flu. 

The first symptom is anxiety because the electricity affects the brain and nervous system, eventually there’s no energy because the nerves are damaged.  One scientific study I read, reveals The 5g is at the same frequency of hemoglobin, and thus damaging the  blood’s ability to carry oxygen.

When the body has been poisoned, it secretes mucus to buffer and rid itself of the harmful acids and dying cells.

It also puts out exosomes. Exosomes are dead DNA and RNA that has been expelled from tissues that have been poisoned.  Our so called  “modern science” calls them viruses.  

My understanding is exosomes carry the message of how we were poisoned, but are not a threat in and of themselves. My intuition tells me this message they carry actually help us adapt to the poisoning, they are actually benefitial.

Furthermore,These exosomes, called viruses are not contagious. Studies have proven this, but they are not shared in our main stream media. For example, back during the Spanish flu, 100 healthy people were injected with the snot of those with the flu. Not one caught the flu. But this real science was buried by certain political powers who own our media. 

The experimental vaccine is clearly full of poison.  Made for no other reason, but to lower our population and control us like robots. The spike proteins cause heart attack and stroke.  Graphene oxide found in the vaccine interacts with the 5g electricity turning us into human cell phone towers and rewiring our nervous system and brains to follow orders of central command that comes through our cell phones, all happening on the subliminal level. 

There’s an endless amount of evidence behind my words, all banned from main stream media, because main stream media is owned by the very people who created the vaccine and the the so called virus, which is really excess artificial electricity we are having trouble adapting to. 

From what I’ve seen, what the hospitals offer, usually make things worse. The death trap is the lung ventilator that is so full of electricity, few come out alive.

Whatever is happening, we’re only affected by it if we have trapped emotions, so the first thing to do is clear the associated trapped emotions and negative beliefs, but also, we can work on the physical level. Certain herbs and substances help reverse the damage of electrical pollution and the vaccines. They are:

  • Ivermectin
  • NAC
  • Glutathione 
  • Saint johns wort
  • Epson salt and baking soda bath. 

These 5 are on the top of the list of many choices. Do your own research. 

Saint Germain’s Perspective

Now Saint Germain would like to speak through me…

“No matter what negative environmental influences you speak of, none are the real cause of illness. Certainly they may be triggers for your need for healing, but they are not cause. In other words, when you are completely free of fear based mental negativity and emotional reactivity you are completely immune to all outer phenomena. You always get whatever you believe, so make your beliefs 100 percent conscious. While others may be experiencing a kind of illness or conflict, you can always choose peace and vibrant health, and if peace and vibrant health remain your dominant thinking, your emotions, body, and body of affairs will always follow that. This is the main reason why many people have not had a reaction from taking the vaccine.  I am not suggesting you take the vaccine. It was clearly developed by the sinister force. But if you did take the vaccine, all negative energy can be transformed with your higher mind. Your higher mind is fully connected with God and the power of the entire universe. Get into prayer, call forth the violet flame and command your cells and DNA to return to their youthful perfection, and it is done to you to the level of your faith.”

Thank you Saint Germain!

Psychological Causation of Disease

So now, I would like to share the most common psychological issues associated with Influenza and viruses. Why, because this is how the mind gets thrown off course. This way we can clear at the root of how we went astray in our mind and emotions.  

This information comes from one of our I AM U textbooks called Messages From The Body. by Michale J. Lincoln. This 700 page masterpiece is like Louise Hay’s Heal Your Body times one thousand.  

I am sharing this information so we can clear viruses at the psychological level. . Your may have your own method.  Our quantum healing systems at I AM U include the Freedom-Code and Integrative Quantum Medicine. After discovering which information below resonates, we can instantly and permanently shift the following revealed negative energy patterns. 

Remember, these patterns are usually at the subconscious level; you need to look beneath surface reality to feel if they exist. If it is true, one will feel it strongly in their emotional body when the words are said, even if there is little apparent evidence. 

Psychological Causes of Influenza (virus infection)

[Two possibilities, or a combination of both. Use only what resonates.] 

1. ”At their mercy.” They have feelings of being under the influence of malevolent forces and of being weak and helpless. It may reflect the vulnerability feelings that accompany times and processes of great change. There is a fear of attack from others and of taking life in fully. [poor breathing]They have a strong experience of lack of support and protection. They have the experience that the very worst is about to happen to them.

There is a good deal of internal conflict, confusion and susceptibility to suggestion, especially from the “world of agreement” or the “group mind” or “statistical proofs.” They are the product of severely untrustworthy parenting arising out of a deeply fearful family.

2. ”Urban hermit.” There is an insufficient involvement and interaction, an “among us but not of us” pattern. Underneath is a buried rage and hatred for their being so alone, alien and alienated.

It comes from a family in which they could do no right as the unrecognized and unacknowledged “family hoist” upon whom everyone depended and whom no one supported, sustained or validated.

Psychological Causes of Vaccination Reactions

“It hurts so good”.  They are an “atonement freak” who is convinced that they are “bad, wrong, and evil,” and who feels that they need punishment for their “sins and sinfulness.” They are the product of a severely shame and guilt inducing accusative and exploitative dysfunctional family.

The most important thing for you and your clients to know while clearing is that these psychological issues are not who we really are. The true self is pure, pristine, whole, eternal, and unaffected by the human experience. Once you know this, you can allow these illusions you took on to be swiftly cleared away.

If you know someone who struggles with covid, influenza or any issue for that matter, you are welcome to invite them to attend our Freedom Code Quantum Energy Self Healing Group on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM Pacific.  Click here to REGISTER. 

Love and Blessings,

Joa Janakoayas