How to Embody the Divine Feminine Within and Feel Big Love Again!

I wrote this in my journal before and after practicing the ancient self-love practice called Aliyah.

Here it goes, – as I am going to get vulnerable with you here. 

I ponder, why have I felt like an island onto myself? Why are so many men islands on to themselves?

I recently had a housemate that was one of the most unhappy men I’ve ever met. He is a divorced workaholic with no real close friends. His attitude is almost always sour. I realize he showed up in my life because I needed to fully own this shadow in myself.

Why are so many men and women over-working, and feel so disconnected in their relationships? 

The short answer is because the masculine has taken over the feminine.

As I write, this, I am realizing my feminine side has atrophied and feels beat-up at times. Indeed it is the left side of my body that usually gets hurt.

What does it mean to be disconnected from one’s feminine side? It means I had forgotten how to receive.

When we are not really receiving love, life gets dull. When we don’t feel love in our life, we lose our motivation and can even become depressed.

To my housemate, I was friendly and giving, but he couldn’t receive me.  Have you met people like that?
Could that be you at times?

More times than I can count I have unconsciously dismissed other people’s complements and attention, because I was in a hurry to do something. This is imbalanced, masculine energy.

We have been indoctrinated with the insane belief our value comes from what we do, so we become human doings instead of human beings, and we don’t make time for each other, our love, ones, and our own needs.

As long as this belief “our value comes from what we do,”is in our subconscious minds,  which means we are only valuing our masculine doer-self, we become islands onto ourselves, and feel empty inside.

The love we received from what we do in the form of appreciation and money is a very very small fraction of the infinite love that is available to us all the time.

How do we receive this infinite love?

It is simply a choice. 

To experience it now, I invite you to stop what you’re doing and say to yourself: “I choose to receive God’s infinite love for me now.“

“I choose to let in the love of my spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters into my heart.”

And, breathe and let it in.

For many people, unconditional love for themselves has been off their radar for a long while and so they unconsciously look for it in their partner, or some kind of compulsive activity. And when their partner or compulsive activity doesn’t give them the love, they need, they feel let down, hurt, frustrated and sometimes angry. 

But there is a very powerful remedy. It is a way of embodying unconditional self love.

It’s called Aliyah. Aliyah came to heal humanity from the Goddess Isis. Aliyah means self love, or Soul love,
I will give you a basic understanding of Aliyah now you can practice at home.

If you feel your feminine side is also somewhat atrophied, overpowered, or wounded I offer you this challenge, to learn how to marry your opposite polarities in your body and mind as follows:

Give yourself one hour of divine self loving. Start off with giving yourself a bath, eat a little fruit, play, soft music, and slowly with both hands, caress every part of your body from your toes to the top of your head and back. Give love to every single part of you, and tell yourself, “I love you (your name) because God loves me just as I am.”  Don’t stop loving yourself for an entire hour. You can also practice shifting your consciousness, back-and-forth from giving to receiving, letting yourself receive your own love and God‘s love. It’s a powerful choice!

You may wonder if it’s OK for you to become sexually aroused? Yes, it’s more than OK. Enjoy your sacred sexual energy, and allow this energy to move up your spine. For this to happen, resist the tendency to go straight to orgasm. Back off when you get close to allow the energy to integrate throughout your entire body. Aliyah is not about having a physical orgasm, but it’s still OK if you do. By loving yourself and enjoying your sexual energy without going overboard with it, you may start experiencing full body energy orgasms that can last for hours. This is what can happen if you keep doing Aliyah about once a week over a longer period of time. 

So, that was the bare basics of Aliyah. By practicing it,  you’re going to feel more alive, balanced, and activated in your body and life, as this is what has happened for myself and our students who do this ancient practice.

To learn more about Aliyah, you can attend our Marriage at the Opposites workshop in I AM U’s  Spiritual Psychology, Masters Program. 

PS: How did I feel after practicing Aliyah on that day I felt like an island?
Totally shifted. I became one with myself, and that evening others reflected much appreciation for my whole-some and joyful presence.