How to Stop being Tired, and
9 ways to Energize

  • Each morning, do you bounce out of bed full of zest to greet the rising sun? 
  • Or, do you drag yourself out of the covers? 
  • Do you sustain energy throughout the day, or have an energy slump? 
  • Do you feel light in your body, or heavy with aches and pains? 

When our bodies are tired, they lack the life force to function properly. All the body systems slow down, including the excretory system. It becomes under-active, causing waste products to back-up. The body becomes acidic, causing cells to die and accumulate even more waste. We can eventually become sick as the body secretes mucus to buffer and help expel these extra toxins. This process of becoming tired, toxic, and eventually ill can all be prevented. 

You don’t have to get tired and toxic anymore if you make a radical change in your lifestyle. You need not ever push your body to tiredness, whether it be too long and hard of a workout, over-working without breaks,  or staying up too late at night. There is no point in it because your mind becomes dull, you become less productive, less present, rendering you to make mistakes and have accidents. Furthermore, trying to operate while being tired accelerates the aging process.

St. Germain says our life is a result of our choices, period. There are many factors that influence us, such as our environment, mass consciousness, astrology and especially the ways of our family and ancestors coming through our DNA, but we always have an option whether to be influenced or make our own different life choice. Ultimately the Self is a free spirit that is the chooser of our thoughts (including how we perceive our circumstances).  Our thoughts tend to accumulate into feelings, negative feelings if we were harboring negative thoughts, or positive feelings if we were perceiving the gift of our challenging situation. And then these feelings motivate us into similar behaviors by having us react in fear or allow our love intelligence to see a positive solution. For example, being the solution can be as simple as being humorous while others are freaking-out in a stuck elevator. We don’t have to go down the rabbit hole of what appears to be wrong about our life or the world. Reacting in fear often takes us down a deeper hole, because we forgot our divine nature that always gets through every challenge, even our death. 

The very nature of our Authentic Self (or Soul) is the joy of loving connection with all our relations. To give up being tired and toxic is to give up whatever you believed was wrong or bad about yourself and your situation. We must awaken out of having negative outlook as the ONLY perspective. This may seem like a tall order to those of you who are struggling with a long-term illness. As soon as we seek and find the gift of our situation, our situation can change. Many, if not most of our illnesses appear because we weren’t being fully present with ourselves. We were caught up in expectation, trying to be somebody we are not. Often we were trying to get some kind of outer approval for our existence, but this always leads to disappointment. We were forgetting the fullness of self approval. To be centered in Self is to be one with God. One definition of suffering is the belief that Self and God are separate. You are not a human ego. You are not your human issues. You are a Soul of the One Great Spirit, here to transform your human experience. And by doing so, you uplift humanity. 

Your inner work makes all the difference, a far greater difference than your outer actions. Where you are coming from is more important than what or how much you do. Much of the time, illness is about giving up over-thinking and over-doing to rediscover our divinity exactly as we are now. By rediscovering unconditional contentment in ourselves in each now moment, we are bringing our authentic peace of heaven down to earth. 

As far as I can tell, there are only…

…2 Main Reasons we become Tired and Toxic.

  1. You have trapped emotions and negative beliefs.
    For example you’ve been triggered by a situation or somebody, like being told you’re not good enough in some way. It only hurts and makes you feel tired because some part of you believed it. There are many spiritual psychology methods for clearing negative emotions and feelings. One of my go-to methods is what I call the Forgiveness to Freedom Method, which I will briefly touch on here. You simply say to yourself, “I forgive myself for judging myself as not good enough.“  You can change that to the appropriate self-judgment, like not pretty enough, not wealthy enough, not confident enough” etc.  And, realize you are a wonderful and beautiful Soul even when you are on the learning curve, making mis-takes.

  2. You are not taking good enough care of yourself is the other common reason you may be tired and toxic. Many people are caught in the rat race, doing what they “should do” to make money and “retire”. The word “re-tire” means to get tired again. True abundance and prosperity results from taking care of yourself, like breathing fully, enjoying time in nature, and your favorite forms of creativity – which should eventually become your occupation. You can profit from your passion that you’ll never want to retire from, because to be in your inspired creativity is very revitalizing and most rewarding. 

Here is my prescription for living a high vibe life that doesn’t allow you to get tired and toxic anymore. 

9 Ways To Stay Energized

  1. Choose to be happy by starting your day following your bliss!
    Invest at least one hour following your bliss to live your grand life vision! Each day, guard this creativity hour with your life. Bullet proof this time frame on your schedule. It’s usually best in the morning before getting distracted by other responsibilities. If needed, wake up an hour earlier to make this happen. Then, as you get on with your day, listen to your heart and gut. If a thought or action feels heavy, ask yourself, “What is another approach that better supports my happiness? How can what I am doing today support my happiness?

  2. Have plenty of down-time with yourSelf. Go to bed early, and get 7-8 hours of sleep and rest. If you can’t sleep, use the extra time to meditate.  If you have trouble with that, you likely need the down time more than ever to sort out your mind and discover a deeper unconditional love of your Soul.  Facing yourself with introversion and self inquiry are essential to spiritual awakening, healing, self mastery, and self realization. And, this greater intimacy with yourself allows for better intimacy with others.

  3. Refuse to work in a way that throws your life out of balance. Your human mind may say, “If I refuse the work that taxes my body and Soul I will be out of a job and won’t be able to survive.” You may be out of that low vibe job, but then you become available for a more prosperous existence.  Every time I refused low-vibe work, another door opened, often immediately, to a higher vibe option that paid me better! Closing the door on unhealthy situations, is an act of self esteem that creates the space for more rewarding opportunities.

  4. Breathe deep. Practice aerobic exercise or a form of pranayama. Also, singing and dancing are awesome ways to raise your vibration and body’s alkalinity.

  5. Drink filtered mineralized alkaline water. (Almost all water is polluted these days, so invest in a filter.)
  6. Eat organic vegetables every day! Get off of processed foods, especially anything with sugar.

  7. Stop being distracted by lesser priorities, especially anything electronic and artificial – so you can live a creative and authentically successful life!
  8. Enjoy your sexuality in a wholesome loving way.
    A good rhythm is about once a week (not every day or less than once a month).
  9. Have ways to clear your reactivity to find peace in yourself. Be quick to apologize, and forgive your own and other’s mistakes.  Walk the path of humility and compassion. 

To learn much more how to shift your body into light, read my ebook:
I AM Free Energy and attend my annual class Life Energy Mastery.