How We Quickly Healed Ourselves of so called Viruses, and How You Can Too!
I am a health researcher who chooses to stay healthy and vibrant during this tumultuous time. After almost losing my life in a motorcycle accident in 1976, I have been researching holistic health and healing, and continue to be open minded to the next technology of how to live more vibrantly with no medical intervention. As far as I know on the physical level, these are the fastest physical cures to covid related illnesses at this time. I say “physical” because I have come to believe the deepest cure is on the emotional and mental levels of being, and I cover this in other articles. But when we are under a physical assault, we also need an effective drugless physical response. It’s all about maintaining healthy blood and nervous system. I would like to start with some undisputable facts.
Covid 19 has not ben isolated and seen. It has not been proven scientifically to exist. According to real science, we can accurately say the Covid 19 does not exist. Health Freedom Court cases are finally being won because of this fact. We have a right to pursue health in our own way.
For the first time in world history, one man has become the health dictator of the world, Dr. Fauci. The wisdom and brilliance of millions of other doctors are being ignored. If doctors publish something contrary to the WHO agenda, their information is omitted from the main stream news.
Dr. Fauci has ordered only certain drugs to be used for the treatment of Covid. These drugs are experimental. They have nor been approved by the AMA or FDA, and in trials they are known to cause kidney and other organ failures.
The 19 foot high Georgia Guide Stones, a kind of mini stone hinge, erected in 1980, still stands today on Government land outside of Atlanta, Georgia. The first of 10 commandments chiseled on these stones states: “1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” This would mean about 7.5 of the 8 billion humans would be dead. Investigative journalism has tied these stones to the United Nations, Rosicrucian Order, a recent leader of the Nazi movement, and various members of the global elite.
This book was written in 1989.
I share this information not to scare you, but to help you to place less trust in our rigged health care system, and become more committed to your own body’s ability to heal itself. Instead of give your self healing power away to health professionals who stand to make a lot of money from your illness, I implore you to trust your intuitive health wisdom. We the people must take back our power.
If covid doesn’t exist, then what is causing illness and fatalities world wide?
Fact: Elon Musk had announced a few months ago his 70,000 Space-X orbiting satellites, would be activated during the month of August, 2021. These satellites blanket the entire earth (except the poles) with MORE microwave radiation than we have already been receiving from our cell towers, wifi’s, and cell phones. For $100 a month, anyone in the world can erect a space-x antenna and get high speed internet.
How are these microwaves effecting us?
Investigate for yourself, by googling these words: 5G damages blood… and you will see hundreds of studies proving this fact.
5G adds to the exponential increasing of EMF smog to damage the human body in many ways. I am convinced the most deadly damage, is how 5G reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen by damaging the hemoglobin protein.
Check out this article by Dr. Eddy Betterman, MD.
I am writing this article because my closest friends have been suffering with covid. Also, months ago, I experienced all the covid symptoms. But I had already read Authur Firstenburg’s book: The Invisible Rainbow, which exposed hundreds of doctor’s and scientientist’s thousands of experiments and cases, all pointing to the damaging effects of artificial electricity on humans and all life.
So instead of going into an emergency room, which is full of more EMF radiation and toxic drugs, I practiced deep breathing to raise my oxygen level, cleared my emotions, turned off my WIFI, and ran an ozonator. After getting the wifi off, I was much better in 2 days, and in 5 days I had my total health back.
It is a scientific fact that strong electromagnetic fields effect weaker electromagnetic fields. The human body frequency is about 7 hertz. Microwaves are in the gigahertz range, that is hertz with 10 zeros added.
The radiation emitted from 5G cellphones, wifi, towers and over 70,000 satellites is pulsed, which proves in studies, to be particularly harmful to all life. Natural electrical currents are emitted smoothly, not pulsed. 5G studies that concluded “no harm to humans” did not use pulsed radiation, thus the studies do not exemplify what is happening in real life.
My friends who became very ill, registered low oxygen saturation levels.
Of all the elements, by weight, every human body is composed of 80% oxygen. Oxygen is by far, our most important nutrient, as we can not live longer than 10 minutes without it. When the body is starved of oxygen, cellular die-off is massive with virtually all the organs and tissues.
It appears to me, 5G radiation poisoning is damaging our bodies, particularly the hemoglobin, then oxygen starvation causes massive cell die off.
Find out the Truth in Your Own Body
If you are struggling with so called Covid, or any illness, the first thing I would do is test your oxygen level and pH.
Oxygen saturation is the amount of oxygen traveling through your body with your red blood cells. Conventional medicine says Normal oxygen saturation is usually between 95% and 100% for most healthy adults. Personally, I believe this range should be higher.
Any level below 95% is concerning and in need of immediate medical attention, since it means your organs, tissues, and cells aren’t getting the oxygen they need to function properly. To say it directly, when oxygen saturation is below 95%, cells are dying.
How to test your Blood Oxygen Saturation level
A pulse oximetry reading reflects the percentage of oxygen found in arterial blood. Today, I highly recommend, everyone who has any concern about their health too get a electronic pulse oximetry blood oxygen tester, which can be purchased at Walmart for $12. You just slip the device on your finger tip, and you get your blood oxygen level in less than 10 seconds.
To buy it, here is the link.
How to test your body’s pH
Get pH test strips at the nearest health food store. Urinate on the end of the strip. Match the resulting color with the color key on the bottle to discover your body pH. Since the reading comes from urine which has uric acid, I add a quarter point 0.25 to the reading for greater accuracy. Your body pH should be the same as your blood pH, slightly alkaline at about 7.4. If you body is acidic, below 7.0 it is breaking down from acidosis.
Deep Breathing is my favorite way of raising my pH and oxygen levels. I offer BreathPlay classes online and in person at the I Am University of Mount Shasta.
How to get more oxygen in an oxygen starved body, even when the hemoglobin in the blood is damaged?
When encountering a form of oxygen therapy, it is is normal to experience cleansing reactions. These reactions are the body ridding itself of all the dead cell material caused by radiation poisoning and oxygen depletion.
Hyperbaric Oxygen
In an emergency situation, I would head straight to the nearest Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber. More lives have saved and disease reversed with this amazing technology.
I highly recommed purchasing an Ozonator and run it in your home and work environment, particularly at night. My favorite brand which allows higher potency settings is called GREEN AIRE. I have used this ozonator for many years, and it has been a real life saver. I remember when I had a serious lung infection back in 2009. On the emotional level, I had so much grief after the loss of my mother and second marriage. I ran the ozonator at night and so much junk came out of my lungs! In less than two days my lungs were clear.
During the Califoirnia wild fires, our ozonator is our “ace in the hole.” We run it all day in our house. So while it looks like armageddon out there, we breathe freely indoors. For outdoors, we purchased an air filter mask from the hardware store for $4. It’s the kind of mask carpenters and painters wear that allows for easy breathing.
I understand the smoke particles coupled with the EMF’s have an even more negative synergistic effect. The particles catch the EMF’s to literally become radioactive.
Ozone is often misunderstood. Ozone has a strong negative charge while all pollutants whether they are in the sky or in our bodies have a positive charge. Where there is air pollution in a big city, ozone comes down from the ionosphere. Because it is oppositely charged, it is attracted to pollution, and bonds with the positively charged particles (including smoke) and then brings it to the ground. Our weather casters have us believe ozone is terrible. It’s the pollution that is terrible. Ozone is the life saving cleaner of pollution, both in the sky and in our bodies.
Ozone blood transfusions are also known to turn people’s health around, even those on the throws of death. I believe OBT are not legal in the United States, but still practiced by doctors in secrecy. This method is widely available in Germany and other countries.
Hydrogen Peroxide
H2O2 is H20 (water) with an additional oxygen molecule. It is how water caries oxygen in softly running streams. One can buy very potent 35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide in some health food stores and laboratory supplies. At this potency, it will burn your fingers it is so strong, but perfectly fine in small dosages in water or other drinks. This is another cure that oxygenates the body by another means than the lungs that is strongly opposed by our mainstream medical establishment.
I have taken 3 drops in a 16 ounce glass of water 3 times a day, added a drop each day, up to about 20 drops 5 times a day.
Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) NaHCO3
A safer and easier way of raising oxygen and pH is ingesting Baking soda. Do you see the 3 oxygen atoms in the formula? Sodium bicarbonate is found naturally in the body. Whenever there is trouble in the body, there is always acidity. I have found nothing neutralizes an acidic body faster than baking soda. Simply start with taking a quarter teaspoon in a 16 ounce glass of water 3 times a day. Slowly raise this to 1/2 teaspoon.
Baking Soda and Salt Bath
The Sea Salt and Soda bath is one of the most effective baths for detoxifying the body from chemicals and countering the effects of radiation and virtually any pollutant. When the body is poisoned, polluted, or has an infection, it has become acidic. This alkaline bath has the effect of neutralizing acidity.
Directions: Fill a bathtub to a normal bathing depth with water (preferably filtered or purified) as hot as can be comfortably tolerated. For a sea salt and soda bath, add one pound of baking soda and then one pound of salt, preferably sun-dried sea salt or salt from a deep mine. (Rock salt is not as effective, and ordinary iodized table salt, depleted of other minerals, is ineffective.)
Keep as much of the body submerged as possible for twenty to fifty minutes for the best results. When your bath is completed drain the tub and take a short shower to wash off the soda, salt and various pollutants. Clean the tub to thoroughly eliminate any residual pollutants.
Tips: To prevent feeling tired and drained afterwards and to help revitalize yourself, drink a total of at least two cups of water before, during and after the bath. For most people, a detox bath is needed only once every two or three days. If you are exposed to a daily source of radiation or external pollutants, you could take a ten-to-fifteen minute bath daily. Only one person should use the bath before the tub is drained and cleaned. Prepare a fresh bath for each additional person who wishes to bathe.
For more products that raise the body’s oxygen saturation, go to
How to Rebuild Blood Hemoglobin
Red meat
Temporarily, to rebuild your blood fast, if you can stand it and especially if your body craves it, I recommend eating red meat – even if you are a vegetarian like me.
Every day, l strongly recommend eating raw greens as your main staple. Spinach, parsley, kale, dark green lettuce are the best blood builders. I believe eating raw greens every day is probably the top reason why Maqua and I have stayed perfectly healthy during this second onslaught of 5G and smoke.
Spiralina, blue green algae, wheatgrass juice, barley grass juice,
Additional Supplements that help reverse the damage of EMF radiation:
Vitamin B12 (for blood), Isoleucine (for hemoglobin), organic Iodine, Kelp, Resveratrol (blood), Ginsing, Tumeric, Zinc, Vitamin Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E
Foods for the Nervous System, Brain, and DNA
EMF’s attack the nervous system and DNA. The most common symptom is anxiety. Of course the deeper cause is an emotional issue that needs to be addressed as such, but we also need to physically strengthen the nervous system and DNA by eating foods that nourish it. These foods are:
Nuts, and seeds including Almonds and pumpkin seeds, Avocados, Eggs. (with runny yolk ), Salmon, Raw vegetable oils Salmon, Broccoli ,Tumeric
I understand that oils and fats should not consist more than 10 percent of our total diet.
Metal in the body May Amplify EMF damage
With chem trails, vaccines, pesticides, and other industrial pollutants that put aluminum and other heavy metals into our bodies, it is very important to cleanse these metals out of the body. This is especially important now because studies indicate invading EMF’s tend to accumulate in the body where the metals are.
Horsetail tea is known to clean out heavy metals.
Our favorite heavy metal cleanse is taking a little zeolite in a glass of water before bed each night. Zeolite is a negatively charged (alkaline) colloidal mineral that wraps itself around positively charged (acidic) heavy metal molecules, and takes them out of the body.
Please keep us informed about how these measures are working for you.
Cheers to your rapid healing and strong immunity!
Joa Janakoayas and Maqua Iqua of the University of Mount Shasta