I know for most of us, it’s challenging to make heads or tails with what’s happening in our corrupted US political system. It seems the country has never been more divided. I can say that it has all become more clear to me since I let go of emotionally taking sides. But rather than try to persuade you to vote for the candidates I trust, I would rather support you in discovering your neutrality and inner peace around it all. Once you are in your neutrality, your intuitive knowing can open up – allowing you to make a clear choice for yourself. 

This amazing picture by StephJo is called Corruption to Innocence. We just didn’t know how deep the corruption was, both in the outer world and within ourselves. Before our politics can return to innocence, all corruption must be exposed and cleared. 

Duality is the divine plan on earth until humans choose oneness. Who am I to judge what is happening is good or bad, right or wrong? Are there absolutely painful things happening at this time? Yes! What can I do about it? Call it as wrong or bad? Go to war against it?

I can say any time I go to war against something in the outer world, I get depleted, and sometimes I get knocked down, because my own innocence got corrupted.  So, what can I do to stop injustice that appears to be hurting so many people, animals and the earth herself?

Speak up about it in a non-reactive way. 

How is that possible? 

It is doable when we own the shadow behavior we despise in ourselves first and find understanding and forgiveness. 

In other words, the macrocosmic imbalance, conflict, pain and suffering caused by dark forces will not be neutralized until enough individuals face and clear the dark forces within themselves via ownership, understanding, and forgiveness. 

You see, divine justice is actually happening all the time. It is a spiritual law that never changes. There are no victims. All those who appear to be a victim are also acting as perpetrators. I know this is very hard to see and understand at times, so let me explain more deeply. On the national level, over 6 million Jews were victims of a great travesty, and coming from their woundedness, they are now the perpetrators of the Palestinians. Of course, when we look at the macrocosm, we are speaking in general, and let us not forget that every human is made in the likeness and image of God, whole, complete, loving, innocent and one with all other souls. 

And, the divine plan is for humans to have free will to forget themselves and wake up to oneness in their own timing. 

We are in a grand school room for soul growth and learning that was never meant to be a utopia until humanity completely graduates. 

If you want to make the greatest difference, it is important to take out all judgement of what is happening on earth, because there really is no right or wrong about it. Divine justice really is happening all the time. 

Those who collapse into victimhood steal energy from others and become perpetrators. You need not get hooked back into that duality pattern. The best way you can help the world is remain in your wholeness and speak and act from this place in yourself who understands both sides of each issue.

When we take sides, we are only operating from one hemisphere of our brain, and making the other wrong. This delays the integration of our wholeness, and being an advocate for wholeness. 

There are wonderful things happening now, as over-all humanity is moving towards greater wholeness. For example, women are claiming their strength. The greater strength always was and always will be the divine feminine love that will not settle for less that justice and equality for all. The masculine has no power without the feminine giving it power. Women are speaking out as never before in many thousands of years. This also means the feminine side in every woman and man is thawing out, breaking dormancy, speaking out to clear lifetimes of pain, and this is a great big step towards humanity’s wholeness and evolvement. 

But don’t let yourself reside in anger about what is wrong, about the injustices. Don’t stop there. Allow the anger to be integrated and move you into greater wholeness and greater creativity that shows the world what it is like to be whole and empowered. Let it come through your art, your abundance, or whatever your gift of wholeness is. 

The Buddha said: “Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed.”

The real you is no longer in conflict, but is having a wedding between the apparent opposites.

This year of 2020, humanity’s eyes are being opened to the amazing depth of duality that still exists. It can be very disheartening to see how entrapped we have been by our adopted dysfunctional reptilian parents. And, to be brutally honest, we chose them, to own and integrate the reptilian, fear-based, selfish, power mongering part of ourselves which is located in our lower reptilian brain. We heal it all by owning it in ourselves with understanding and compassion. Actually it has a powerful purpose. It is the part of us humans that guarantees our survival. But we no longer need to use it to compete and dominate others. 

Rest assured, even though the 1 percent aristocratic reptilian-humans have infiltrated and controlled our governments, military, health and financial systems they will not succeed in lowering the worlds population to 500 million as is the United Nations Agenda 21 as displayed clearly on the 20 foot high Georgia Guide Stones, outside of Atlanta Georgia. They will not succeed because too many of us have become spiritually awakened, and the company of heaven is behind us. All doom and gloom prophecies and armageddon on earth have been shape shifted by our loving prayers. They are losing ground fast. 

Yes, some catastrophes are being allowed because so many are still caught in duality. But overall, humanity is evolving to a greater integration of wholeness and peace.

Remember, the reptilians are super intelligent and psychic. Psychic does not mean spiritual.  They are super masters of trickery.  On the mental and psychic level, they can outsmart virtually all humans, but they have forgotten their innocence long ago.  An aristocrat will convincingly disguise him-herself self as “for the people,” but these “cool” people lack one thing in common.  They lack true human feeling, compassion and caring.

Have you ever noticed how children are the best judge of character? If a truly loving person walks into the room, children gravitate to them, and someone with a secret to hide, children will back away. Well, you still have this sense within you, a sense the reptilian aristocrats have forgotten. Rather than trust some secret intelligence over the internet, I recommend trusting your own inner child’s feeling when you compare presidential candidates or anyone who is meant to represent us the people. 

It is prophesied in the Christian bible that the meek shall inherit the earth, and I believe this is how it will happen: Instead of being in our heads and our need to be right, or angry about injustice, we need to come back to our innocence now. In our neutrality, the child within us already knows who we can trust. It’s not complicated. You know instantly, as soon as you see the person. Let your votes follow that. Let your voice follow that. When you can forgive any corrupt thoughts and actions in yourself, and remember your own innocence, you can bring out the innocence in others.