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What is Soul Recovery?

Soul Recovery is much more than getting free of a substance addiction.

When we recover our Soul, we realize an inner peace and joy that is not dependent on outer circumstances.

According to Spiritual Psychology, the Soul is LOVING. When we live in our Soul’s Loving, we become a magnet for magic and miracles of great abundance.

The only thing that blocks the many gifts of our Soul’s loving is the compulsive mind. Our compulsivity is all our reactive thoughts, words, and actions that are based in fear.

Four of the most common forms of compulsivity are worry, self-criticism, blaming and overwork. Worrying serves nothing. Instead, make a prayer for the highest good, let it go, and come back into enjoying this now moment. Shift Self-judgment into self-acceptance with self forgiveness. You have done nothing wrong or bad. You are just learning through trial and error how to raise your vibration. Blaming others, or the world for negative circumstances is a way to deflect your responsibility. Your Soul always sees the good in others even when they make mis-takes. Mis-takes is the vital way we evolve, and your compassionate Soul gives yourself and others lot’s of breathing space to grow and learn.

Overwork usually comes from the insane belief that your value comes from what you do. As Souls, we are all infinitely and equally valuable, regardless of what we do, have, or not have. Remember, your existence is a precious and priceless gift.  As we live to give from our Soul’s abundant Loving, we contribute to the harmony and prosperity of our society.

At some point in our lives, we each realize we have been suffering because many of our thoughts, words, and actions have been compulsive. By reacting to what we don’t want, our lives became dramatic and unmanageable.

We needed to shift our attention from the goal-line to the Soul line, from trying to get all we can, to remembering what we already have, and sharing with others.

The Soul Recovery Cards are here to help you make the shift from living from the outside-in (which causes stress) to living from the inside out (discovering your generousity).

Your Soul is the doorway to everything including the inspiration and creativity for having  all your dreams coming true with grace and ease.

These cards are reminders how to shift from compulsivity to being the Soulful solution. And, they come to you intuitively. Your current vibration will attract the perfect cards for you to live into today.

Just click the button below and allow yourself to be inspired by your Soul’s intelliegence.


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