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Stop working for Money, and Enjoy Inspired Prosperity

What would you rather have, a large chunk of money, or endless money flow – not necessarily tied to your work? 

Did you know most people who win the lottery loose it all in a short amount of time?

True prosperity is enjoying your Soul’s magical exchange of goods and services with others, which usually happens through a kind of currency. 

There are many outer influences, like astrology and the state of the economy, but the only real cause of your money situation is the habitual state of your consciousness. 

What if you received thousands of dollars within the next two weeks unexpectedly, because you found a simple way of cracking the code of your subconscious mind? That’s what one of our students, Joseph Savage, did. He unexpectedly received $6,000, over his normal income within two weeks after our Money Flow Magic Weekend. In fact, virtually all of our students received significant income increases within two weeks, unexpectedly. 

Welcome,I am Joa Janakoayas of the I AM University in Mount Shasta California. We educate Spiritual Psychology, Holistic Health, Quantum Energy Healing and Life Coaching in one life changing year! Once a year I host Money Flow Magic to help our students and community find financial strength during these uncertain times.

  • Has money been elusive in your life?
  • Are you tired of being in debt?
  • Are you a chronic under earner?
  • Have you had to work very hard for money?
  • Do you worry about how your going to pay for the rising costs of living? 

For many years, this had been me. I believed having money was the result of hard work, but it seemed the harder I worked, the less money I had. Now I know why. When I was overworking to “get ahead”, I was not being present and happy with my current life, with my loved ones and MYSELF. So, I would over-consume to get stuff to fill my emptiness inside. 

I had struggled with money in just about every way conceivable. To be honest I HATED money, and all the negative things money stood for.  Making money was elusive and saving it was impossible.  So, I would go through cycles of overworking and overspending while getting more in debt, followed by periods of dropping out of the rat race and living out of a Volkswagen bus. Living very simple like that was fun for a while, but I could never realize my bigger dreams. 

Thank goodness in my childhood I did have a role model, my wealthy grandfather, Charlie LOVE Hillard, who lived up to his middle name. He lived the truth, “If you want to be generous, you must not be ashamed of making a profit.”  He paid for all his children and grandchildren’s college (including mine), grew a large organic garden and gave his extra produce to widows. His gifts to his community are impossible to count. The bottom line, my grandfather lived to give, and he was a very happy wealthy man. 

Consciously I wanted to be like my grandfather, but subconsciously I stubbornly rejected money and remained in debt.   To resolve my money issues, I went to many prosperity seminars, and EVERY TIME, after the seminar hoopla wore off, I felt let DOWN.  I was right back in LACK.

So, you may wonder why I would offer yet another prosperity course?  What makes this one stand out above others? 

Well, I was awakened to a realization of prosperity that I have not seen communicated.   And the results of my embodied abundance consciousness is being reflected in numerous undeniable experiences.

In 2011, from a lady who I had only known for a couple of months, I was handed 3 gold coins and additional money ($7,000 total) to start a taxi business that would fund the founding of the I AM University. This angelic women pulled the gold coins right out of her purse immediately after I asked. I normally don’t ask for money, but I was spiritually prompted to do so that one time to support my Cause for greater service.

About 5 years ago I dreamed of the University being in the 2nd floor of the Black Bear building, popularly considered the nicest building in downtown Mt. Shasta with high ceilings, big windows and a fantastic view of the mountain. I let that dream go as it seemed nearly too good to be true.  But last year, friends of mine took over the downstairs gallery business and were guided to arrange the owner to rent the upstairs to me! here I AM! My dream came true!  A $10,000 grant and $50,000 business loan helped us get through covid, and afford moving and decorating this beautiful space. I wanted a white piano.  An 1875  golden Steinway showed-up without having to pay for it!

I have been dreaming having property. About a month ago, a woman who knew of me and my University (but we had never actually met) said she owned a house and half acre of property just North of Mount Shasta that she didn’t know what to do with. She asked Saint Germain what to do with it. He told her to give it to Joa Janakoayas! Sure enough, we have become good friends and working out a deal for me to take over her property for a good cause.

Now you may think I have some kind of lucky charm or special spirtual ju-ju. No, we all have this prosperity magic within us. It’s our natural state. Remember, I was the one who was always out of money and resources for decades. 

What changed is I did the inner work to shift my negative beliefs about money.  Most of my money blocks were on the subconscious level, stuff I didn’t even know I was carrying. 

Here are the 5 keys to your prosperity breakthrough you will probably not find in other financial seminars: 

  1. Number One, We can call it Your Financial Yoga Routine.
    Let’s be real, NO weekend seminar is going to heal all your financial issues.
    It’s what you do afterwards on a daily basis that will change your life. 
    My job is to inspire you to stay in inspired action, and I have made this inner work ridiculously fun and easy; just 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. 
    Flexing your Prosperity muscle is like having a Yoga or Fitness routine.
    Do the practice, as I instruct you, and I promise you will receive unexpected income with-in two weeks.  As you keep practicing day by day, your muscles of manifestation get stronger and stronger.
    I continue to meet with you every week for 2 months, to insure you to make a real change in your financial thought patterns and behavior.
  2. The second thing is healing. Other seminars do not have the time and expertise to heal a person’s inner feelings of “lack, limitation, and not enough-ness” at the core level.  For many people like me, a deeper healing was needed that no other prosperity seminar could touch.
    I clear your emotional body via my Freedom Code QUANTUM ENERGY Oracle and the Freedom Method, a Spiritual Psychology tool.
    Client’s consider my healing work miraculous, as physical issues often vanish in minutes, but it’s really simply realizing everything is energy that can be easily transmuted.It is a spiritual truth our most dominant thought forms determine the outcome of our experiences. The problem is the negative thoughts that don’t serve our prosperity are usually on the subconscious level. We are not aware of them. The Freedom Code exposes and instantly clears these unconscious ways we tend to sabotage our prosperity.
  3. The Third difference about Money Flow Magic is you will be assisted with opening your heart to greater love, because big love is the magic that makes money flow in big ways!!
    You will begin clearing what is called your heart wall emotions, those emotional memories trapped in your body and mind that hinder intimacy, because intimacy was associated with trauma in your childhood.
    When love is present, money easily follows. You heart is open to exchange.  If you are willing, the bigger the love, the bigger the money that follows. Are you ready to enter a new world of overflowing love and prosperity for yourself and your love ones?
  4. The 4th difference of Money Flow Magic is embodiment. Instead of Prosperity being a wonderful concept to forget, if you fully participate,  you are going to feel the reality of your financial freedom not just in your mind but also in your body. I will guide you with a simple and blissful process you can take home that embodies your abundance –so throughout each day you will be WALKING the talk of your abundance. Are you ready to feel the bliss of your abundance in your bones? Without a lot of mental strategy, money flow magic is your simple and natural state of consciousness that is to be embodied now and always. You do not have to wait for any outer circumstances to change. Wayne Dyer said: When you change the way you look at things. The things you look at change.
  5. The 5th difference of Money Flow magic is our price. I do not officially charge. This 2 day workshop and 7 more weeks of lessons offered in  live meetings is being offered on a donation payment basis. 

I am discovering authentic prosperity results from inner work and inspired service. All our needs get filled easily when we choose to live a grand life of service. 

For years, I worked for money, and having financial success was like trying to paddling up a waterfall. Today I no longer work for money. I am already filled up as I give my loving service to others. And money comes to me in more ways than I can control. And, this could only happen because I have realized myself as a blessing to the world.  We all are.  

Maybe you shrugged off your financial needs as not that important.  This is really saying to the universe your existence and ability to thrive is not that important. 

The main reason 1 percent of our world’s population own about 50 percent of the wealth is not just because they stole it from the other 99%. It is because the rest of us gave our wealth away by believing our existence was not valuable.  Humanity has been brainwashed to be slaves of scarcity, that we have to work jobs we hate just to make ends meet.  

But many of us are waking up to the realization abundance is not tied to what we do.  It is what we are! 

You see, money issues are really self esteem issues. People overspend or over accumulate money and stuff to try to get the love they don’t feel. People under-earn because they have a habit of undervaluing their their existence and their gifts.

We live in an infinitely abundant universe. Money and riches are everywhere, yet most people only allow a trickle, perhaps just enough to pay the bills, because they don’t feel worthy.

Has this been you? Are you an under-earner? Do you have a hard time asking for a raise, or asking enough for your services? 

After working with hundreds of clients, I have discovered under-earners at early childhood were neglected, so then they developed the unconscious habit of neglecting themselves.  They have a habit of putting themselves last and neglecting their basic needs, and many even have a spiritual pride around putting others first and themselves last.  Because they were neglected in their early years, they carry the belief their own existence does not matter much, unless they over-achieve.   And this over-efforting to get other’s approval leads to overwork, burnout and eventual depression. 

I know, because this was me. 

The remedy to all these issues is to learn how to more deeply love yourself just as you are now. I doubt you will find our powerful self esteem building exercises at any other money seminar.

To summarize, In our safe, loving, and supportive atmosphere,  you will

  • Discover what has been your money type, and how to shift it into being a money magician.
  • Clear your trapped emotions and subconscious negative beliefs that have kept you in lack, and stopped you from living a more abundant and prosperous life.
  • Develop a more trusting and enjoyable relationship with money.  
  • Study and begin embodying the deeper principles of endless prosperity flow.
  • Shift your consciousness from working for money – to giving your best and allowing the universe to give you more back than you ever thought was possible.
  • Recalibrate your consciousness, so that the things you want and need from life can flow to you automatically instead of going out to get it. 
  • Break-free from self-imposed limitations and subconscious sabotage. 
  • Begin clearing your Heart-Wall emotions, the subconscious defense mechanism that keeps love at a distance.
    Once the heart wall is clear, more loving interactions with others and resulting true prosperity can be endlessly enjoyed.  
  • Discover and anchor a higher self esteem that is more deserving of a higher standard of living.  All beings deserve to be wealthy in our infinite universe. 
  • On those occasions you feel low, you will have the tools and skill to quickly restore your high self-esteem.
  • Learn how to handle your money in better ways that reduce debt and increase your income.
  • Resolve your “upper limits problem,” the ways you have sabotaged having more money and love in your life.
  • Firmly establish new self loving habits that raise your frequency to your zone of genius.  

Here’s my Promise:
If you do the 20 minutes of simple homework exercises called for in this  course (10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the eventing) I promise you will receive unexpected income within two weeks. . 

The cost of this 2 day Workshop followed by 7 weeks of live meetings. is by donation. 

Please choose your best offering: $600, $400, $200. You can make multiple payments if you like. No one is turned away for lack of funds.

Are you willing to make the choice to shift your life from mere survival to living a grand life of service and mind blowing prosperity?  I only offer this course once a year!

Register to the Money Flow Magic Course by clicking on this link!

Cheers to your Magical Money flow!


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