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I feel drawn to share something about how my life is changing. I am experiencing something extraordinary. 
The Ishaya Ascension
I feel so grateful for what it feels like an epic life upgrade.
Imagine what it would feel like to win the lottery. Let’s say $10 million. For now on, you know you can travel anywhere, have your perfect house, give to charities, what a freedom!
I want you to feel this for a moment, which is maybe a fraction of what I am feeling right now, except I did not win a material lottery.  I feel I just won the spiritual lottery:  and I am set for spiritual abundance and resulting material abundance for the rest of my years.
I just won my homecoming to God, great spirit, love,  whatever you wanna call it. I can now truly say I have the tools and ability to feel heaven at any moment of my life for the rest of my years and beyond.
 After just learning The first  4 Ishaya Ascension attitudes this past weekend I feel like I am coming home to a consistent love  for myself and all creation that I’ve always wanted to feel. The seeking for outer fulfillment is over.
Here I am alone in a Bed-and-breakfast crying tears of joy and profound gratitude.
With my commitment of 20 minutes of spiritual practice 2 to 3 times a day. I can see ahead that I’m on a new trajectory of continuously rising to higher vibration of love peace and joy. It feels like I have found the holy grail of my life mastery and complete enlightenment.
Before I discovered the Ishaya Ascension Attitudes, the idea of Ascension, seemed too far out, complicated, or only available to certain high beings like Jesus, and Buddha.
Never could I imagine that Ascension could be so simple and easy. When I first heard about Ishaya ascension 15 years ago, I was so skeptical I dismissed it as spiritual bypass, but it is not about escaping anything.  It’s about facing and dealing with all the craziness of life but in a non reactive, natural, peaceful and empowered way. If only i had started back then! Now that I know what the work is and doing it every day, I can truly say it really is simple, easy, and much more enjoyable than regular meditation.
Do you know that phrase
“Seek  the kingdom within and all else shall  be given on to you.”
This is what my life feels like now.
I feel in every moment like never before I’m coming home to such a deeper connection to divine source, and everything I do with others feels more expanded. abundant opportunities are opening up crazy fast.
Imagine you could have anything you want? Huge success at your endeavors are yours with little effort and the only price is 20 minutes of blissful spiritual practice 2 to 3 times a day.
You might think its meditation, and it certainly works to help drop a person’s’ consciousness into a blissful state of meditation,to some degree – all the time, what we might call  “flow state.” But the practice itself is better described as an attitude. It’s a way of seeing life that changes everything. Whenever I start to get stressed about something, practicing the ascension attitudes immediately shifts me, and the challenge seems to resolve itself with little effort.
Who are the Ishaya’s?
The Ishaya‘s are an ancient order of monks located in the Himalayan mountains. They claim to stem directly from the apostle John, following the direct orders of Christ to preserve his teachings until the third millennium. They hold the original teachings of Jesus that were not a belief system at all, but rather a mechanical series of techniques to transform human life into a consistent perception and knowing of the perfection of divinity within every human heart.
Here’s a little more about how the Ascension attitudes work.
Every human has the flame of God, The love intelligence of the universe is within every heart, but walls form around our hearts, patterns of protecting ourselves from being hurt because of the trauma memories of the past..  these walls form behavior grooves that get deeper and deeper making us feel more and more separate and stuck.
They show up as compulsive behaviors, or ways of being irritable and blaming others when things don’t go our way, all of our human reactionary ways.  From my experience of being a meditator for years, no amount of meditation will fully free us from our reactionary patterns once we are back out in the world of relationships.
The Ishaya Ascension attitudes are divinely designed to erase these walls and grooves, our compulsions, all the ways we allow our human fear to limit our full potential while we meditate AND while we relate in the world.
The ascension attitudes work 24/7, day and night while we sleep to dissolve all these grooves, all our reactionary patterns, so our vibration is always ascending. And unlike meditation, they seem to work instantly.
It seems to me the Ishaya  attitudes are a bulletproof way raising one’s vibration no matter what is happening..
If you feel to learn more, I recommend watching these videos. Still interested? Check our event schedule for our free Ishaya Intro programs, both  on-site and online in May,  and we will host Ishaya monks in June for our First Sphere Ishaya Ascension Online Course, and Onsite Course at our IAMU venue.   Here is more info about the Ishayas. Love and Blessings, JOA
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