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Jesus was an amazing way-shower who helped return humanity to the light of love during a very dark time. He attained a state of consciousness we call Christ. It is an enlightened state of consciousness that a growing number of humans have attained.   Jesus said, “These things I have done you shall do even greater.” These words hint, the second coming is us Star Seed. 

What are Star Seed? Long long ago, after the fall of the ancient continent of Lemuria and before the fall of Atlantis, there was a meeting of the high counsel who oversee humanity. These are highly evolved beings, certain galactic neighbors, Ascended Masters,  Arch Angels, and Elohim who continue to love and support us beyond measure to this day. The meeting was called together because humanity was on a negative trajectory to destroy itself and all life on earth. This would have been a tragic failure of the divine plan, which was (and still is) for all humans to fully awaken to their divinity and thus demonstrate living in harmony with all life. The question was, “What could be done to save humanity and our Earth from total destruction?” A plan was developed to call to the earth over a billion highly evolved souls, souls from a variety of star systems to be reborn as humans to jumpstart humanity’s evolution, so to speak. 

We Star Seed are these souls who have already attained a level of enlightenment in our past lives. By being born into the human experience, into families with hundreds of generations of fear laden human DNA, we forgot ourselves. Still today, the majority of Star seed are not yet re-awakened.  As starseed, we do accrue karma for our fear-based actions, but I call this “secondary karma,” because at the soul level, we chose to forget ourselves and purposely take on the karma of the human race, and then wake up and lift it quickly.  

Can you relate to doing this with your own family?… taking on their toxic emotions and negative beliefs – first as your own issues, and then clearing it out of your body?  This was a great service, but now we are called to serve in a different way. 

At the 2012 gateway, the high counsel reported to those of us who are mediums for our ascended host, that the divine plan for humanity’s total awakening and ascension has already succeeded on the etheric plane. Everything first happens on the subtle energy level before it becomes physical. So it’s only a matter of time that we shall see humanity moving into our destined Age of Enlightenment. Even if this takes more decades or centuries (testing our patience even more) this will be a small fraction of the time humans have been slaves to fear, control, and abuse. And, you need not wait until the rest of humanity awakens to have your enlightenment and ascension. Indeed, claiming your enlightenment now will be perhaps your biggest gift to help others awaken, to be the example of unconditional peace, love, and happiness no matter what is happening in the outer world.  

Over all, we could say humanity, as a whole, is moving into its spiritual adolescence. We are beginning to discover our freedom from our very fear based, controlling,  and abusive past.  Much information is out that humanity’s creators were very controlling and abusive aliens called the Anunaki, described primarily by Zecharia Stitchin’s translations of ancient Sumerian texts. 

Whether you believe humanity comes from the Anunaki or not, the negative traits described of the Anunaki  (extreme patriarchal power, scientific intelligence without reverence for all life,  and psychic ability used to manipulate and enslave the human race,…. these negative patterns must be owned and cleared in ourselves first before we can get free and help others get free. Those who are still run by these old reptilian patterns, believing they are the privileged few who have the right to control “the inferior ones”, including partaking in uninvited sexual behavior and seducing people into war,  have an agenda to lower our world population. (See the Georgia Guide Stones on government property outside of Atlanta Georgia.) To stay in control, they must keep our population low. The fact that our population is high is evidence they are losing control. Historically, they have controlled our population by seducing us into war, but thank goodness we have mostly evolved past that. Their most successful campaign of late is poisoning us with drugs and microwave radiation, extreme weather, and fires. 

Awakening Starseed such as you and I are onto their shenanigans, and warning others who are ready to listen.  But there is a deeper mission we have. If we are coming from fear, we are only spreading more fear. It is our awakening into Christ Consciousness that is the final cure that ends all suffering.  So we are back to the same question, what is Christ Consciousness, and how does one attain it? 

Spiritual awakening begins when one realizes they are an innocent and beautiful Soul. Regardless of one’s actions, the Soul is always pure. The portal that connects us to our Soul’s purity is our hearts.  In the heart,  is a flame that resides in the 4th dimension. This flame is your eternal self, as it passes from body to body until your ascension. For an unawakened person, this flame is about a 16th of an inch in size. Once a person awakens their self as a divine Soul, the heart flame begins to grow. Simply focusing your your heart chakra, on your breath, and learning to think and act from your loving heart makes it grow.  In an enlightened person’s body, the heart flame may have grown a foot or two in diameter. The heart flame has three constituents. The rose-pink flame represents the divine feminine love aspect (which has been atrophied in most people for thousands of years), the blue flame which represents the divine right action of the masculine aspect, and the Gold flame of the Soul’s wisdom attained from life experience and their ability to unite their masculine and feminine aspects harmoniously. 

Spiritual awakening brings on what is called the Dark Night of the Soul. What? Yes, after having one’s honeymoon with their Soul (also called the first kundalini awakenings) there is usually a depression that follows because the difference between feeling spiritually high is such an extreme contrast between how the person feels in the outer world. It can be very overwhelming to be confronted by so much fear based ego patterns while dealing with the outer world after having ecstatic connection with the spirit world. 

We catch ourselves still biting the hook of what’s wrong about the world and certain others, which is only a mirror of what we still believe is wrong about ourselves.  Outer experience is a reflection of inner reality. For example, we must let go of going out off balance internally by being seduced into taking sides in conflict. Our Authentic Self is against nothing. In our heart we feel only oneness, and can be in harmony with the apparent opposites. We can love our differences instead of defend and show up to others as offensive.  

Spiritual awakening can only move towards enlightenment when the aspirant learns to bring their learned human shadow behaviors into the light of their compassionate awareness. Once all fear based thoughts, feelings, and behaviors have been owned and forgiven, so the person has nothing more to hide or be ashamed of, and all that mis-qualified energy is redirected for good causes, the person lives an enlightened life. 

Some would argue, there is no end to the shadows.  It is my experience, with the intention of embracing my shadow issues with the light of my compassionate loving, they are definitely becoming less and less bothersome.  Every time you bring the higher love to a place in yourself that has felt unlovable, your body’s light quotient increases.  We are seeing more and more people, who do their work of getting free of fear live their later wisdom-years in an enlightened way, in joyful service to all along their path. 

It seems to me, we can say enlightenment and Christ consciousness are basically synonymous terms. The following symbol of the three semi-overlapping circles help represent how Christ Consciousness comes about. It comes about when the Soul awakens to itself as a Sun of God – via the Love and Intelligence it receives from its divine Mother and Father. These divine mother-father energies united, can also be termed the I AM Presence.   

Becoming enlightened is the most grand experience for a human Soul. To give you a since of the power of a soul, according to the spiritual channeling from Master Djwal Kul brought through by Alice Bailey, one’s Soul can incarnate 10 people at once.  The Soul is also called the traveler, traveling from body to body, planet to planet devouring every kind of experience with the goal of realizing itself as the I AM Presence (AKA the God/Goddess realized Monad) The Monad is said to have the power of 144 souls, wow!  This explains Jesus’s and other Master’s super healing powers. 

The path of enlightenment involves feeling the Divine Mother and Father’s instant forgiveness and support, which heals the Soul’s fragmented aspects until all its trauma memories eventually become shining facets of its wisdom. Eventually, the Soul’s wounded child-self shifts into a Magical Child – full of creative gifts. There is no better feeling than feeling overwhelming love and support from Mother-Father God. This happens every time you know your prayers have been answered. Then, you will want to share your triumph with others, for them to have the same opportunity.  We are awakening to ourselves as the unconditional love of Christ.  Remember, you are innocent, pure, holy, eternal, light being.  No one can take this away from you. May you feel your divine perfection, just as you are now!



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