What is Embodied Ascension Practice

Traditionally many of us have been taught Ascension is about rising above our body, mind and emotions. But this is really a form of escapism. We can call out to the heavens: “Beam me up Scottie!… because we don’t like what is happening in our body of affairs. But there is little growth in that because we have lost trust in ourselves. 

Trying to transcend (rise above) the mind, emotions, and body forms a disconnection from our human self called the spiritual bypass. This is not ascension. Ascension is not a leaving.This misunderstanding was likely formed because a person undergoing ascension appears to disappear as their vibration becomes too high to be visible from those operating at a lower vibration. So, many people associate ascension as a leaving. Actually, It’s just the opposite; One has become more present and available than ever. 

Ascension is feeling the Divine / God here and now in our bodies, in our feelings, in our thoughts as well as our Spirit. To develop our light body, all these aspects of ourself must integrate together.  This self unification is the real purpose of Yoga. 

There is no Ascension without embodiment. We must feel the divine in our bodies, emotions, and our minds to live at a higher vibration. We must feel authentically joyous in our bodies, and the key is to not ignore, but love our bodies.  

The emotional body tends to drag behind the most because there is an old habit to ignore and neglect our feelings. We call it our negative ego, which is really a wounded child within who feels even more dejected when we judge it as our ego. Embodied Ascension includes lovingly reparenting our inner child to heal our memories and rediscover or authentic joy and creativity. As said in scripture, We must become like children to enter the kingdom. 

We have special tools to help us ascend but Ascension does not come from the tools themselves. Our tools  can include the kind of thoughts we choose to think, words to say, affirm, and decree, songs, body movements, various ways of stretching beyond our comfort zone, our many forms of creativity. We are either ascending or descending in consciousness depending upon how we choose to think, speak, feel, and act in each moment. 

Our tools are only catalysts to help ignite our insights, growth learning, inspiration, and creativity. Traditionally humanity has had a habit of forming religions around certain tools and forgot their closest thing to God is their own new insights, inspiration, creativity, and core aliveness which their tools helped catalyze. 

Have you found it hard to stay with one spiritual practice? Some people need one practice based in one spiritual tradition, and this works for them. But it seems to me there is a growing trend happing today for our soul evolution. We are at a time of integration. To use only a small set of tools to ascend for many of us is to eventually become bored. Bcause God is infinite we no longer want to feel limited by only one tradition or exercise.  Our lives are a near infinite variety of experiences designed to catalyze our awakening to our insights, inspiration, and creative magic within. My approach is to not allow spiritual practice to limit this spicy variety. I enjoy integrating many tools from many traditions with my own blend of creativity. Every EA Practitioner is to do the same, so no EA experience is to be exactly alike.   

Specifically, in my Embodied Ascension Practice we weave together Breathing methods and yoga of Babaji, Buddhic Mediation, Sacred Phrases from Gnostic Christianity, Inner bonding (reparenting our inner children), Sacred singing and Ecstatic dance with many influences including Native American.  My goal is at the end of our experience, you will feel the most deeply blissful yet grounded in Spirit you have felt in a long time. 

Our bodies are the most slowed down aspects of ourselves. Because our whole energy is only as strong as it’s weakest link we must offer extra attention on raising the vibration of our bodies. In our mental culture, our bodies tend to shut down and get ill because we treat them as beasts of burden. We drive them like a car just to do the things we want them to do. We get angry when they break down. Meanwhile, our bodies feel dejected, treated like lifeless machines. 

Our bodies are living entities. By actively loving our bodies, we draw in divine energy that regenerates and renews our atoms, cells, tissues, and organs. Embodied Ascension includes focusing and collecting divine love into our physical, mental and emotional  bodies. As this love collects, we feel abundant joyous energy and get the spring back into our step!

Have you ever noticed if you love a plant consistently, it grows healthy and large.  This is what we must do with ourselves. We must consistently love our bodies day by day to experience healing, renewal, and ascension.

With EAP, you will likely feel your presence becoming bigger. Are you ready to live large? 

Check out the iam-university.org event schedule to see when the next Embodied Ascension Practice will take place.